Hockey has our Hearts chapter 34

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Alyshia's POV

Aira was having twins are you kiding me. Jonathan and I just put everything together for one baby. That was part of our wedding gift to them. Now we were going to have to put stuff together for another baby.

"Wait what?" Aira said

"Your having twins. Two boys." I said

"Yeah I got that."

"Then don't ask what. When are you gonna tell Patrick?"

"I dont know. I guess tonight."

"Okay well you wanna go get some lunch?"

"Duh I am pregnant of course I want to eat."

So we got all the paper and then left. We meet the guys at subway.

"So babe how was the doctors." Patrick asked Aira

"There so many gross things to her you are so lucky you didn't have to go." I said messing wtih them.

Aira hit me and then said," No they took an ultrasound and found something."

"O man what is it? Is it bad?" Patrick asked very conserned.

"You sound like a girl calm down." I said

"Yeah i am fine but ummm i have 2 babies inside me now not just one."

"Are you sure."

"Yes I have the sonagram there are 2."

Aira gave Patrick the picture and he started to get emotional. It kind of made me want to cry.

"Babe why dont we leave them alone." I said to Jonathan

"Yeah lets go home.

That day was crazy first we thought that something was wront with the baby but now she is gonna have 2 babys that crazy." I told Jonathan

"Well at least she's fine."

"Yeah so tomorrow i gotta go and set up everything at school since we start in like a week."

"So your not gonna be here?"

"I gott leave at 8 to be there so but you got work outs so."

"Alright when do you get done?"

"Umm depends on how fast i can get everything done but either way I will be back here by 4."

"Alright do you want me to come help you when I get donw working out?"

"Yeah  if you want."

After that  we took a shower and got ready for bed. In the moring I went to the school and started to get everything ready. It really didnt take long since for the most part everything was alreadu set up for me. So I was out of there by like 2. When I got home Jonathan was in the kitchen making some lunch.

"Hey baby."

"Hey what are you making?"

"I was gonna make us some chicken sandwhiches and bring them to you but since your here."

"Your so sweet."

"I know." He said leaning over and kissing me quick.


Work had offically started for me and I loved it. The kids were so nice and Jonathan was always home when I got hom unless he had road games. In that case he would just call me before bed. Things were going great with me and him it was so nice. We would have little fight here and there but nothing to big. Our relationship was really going great. His mom would come by every once in a while and His dad would come when he could. My parents werent that far away so it wasnt as bad with my parents. But now that Thanksgiving was a couple weeks away everyone was coming to our house. My mom, sister, dad, step mom, his mom, and his dad. It was gonna be a curcis but that was fine becasue I loved my family. They made us how we are. Jonathan had an 2 away games before Thanksgiving so he wouldn't be her until the day before Thanksgiving. This years Thanksgiving should be interesting.

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