Nightmares~ Josh Dun

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y/n's pov

    "Where am I?" You ask, desperately turning your head to look behind you. But you can't, you look down at your wrists and see that you're bound to a hospital gurney.

    You hear a strange noise from behind you and try to turn to see the source of it. A large, dirty hand pushes your head back onto the gurney, making you whimper.

    "Let me out! Please!" You shout, trying to move around and loosen the restraints.

    "Struggling makes it worse." A deep, gravely voice says from behind you. You push back tears and look up to see a pig head dripping with blood.

    Screw acting tough, you thought. You let out the loudest scream possible, making the disgusting creature squeal in agony. As it covers its ears, you look at its arm. You notice it has a tattoo sleeve, just like your boyfriend's, Josh Dun.

    "Josh, what the hell is wrong with you?" You shout, you bottom lip quivering in fear and shock. It raises its arm to hit you, but right before its hand gets to your face, you wake up.

Josh's pov

    Y/n wakes up covered in sweat and tears stream down her face. "Baby, did you have another nightmare?"

    She looks at me with worry in her glassy y/c/e and nods, "It was so bad, Josh."

    "Do you want to tell me about it?" I ask her softly, reaching to hold y/n's hand. She looks at me and shakes her head lightly.

    I furrow my eyebrows and look at y/n, "You always feel better when you tell me, baby."

    Y/n sighs and explains her dream to me, not making eye contact. My mouth hangs open  and she flicks her beautiful eyes up at me, sees my expression, then shoots them back to the bed.

"Well, maybe we shouldn't watch American Horror Story at night. But, I would never hit you, y/n, I love you." I tell her, kissing her cheek lightly. "It's almost seven, do you want some coffee?"

Y/n wipes her tears away and I stop her, "Let me." I kiss the remaining tears away and look into her eyes.

"I love you, too." She whispers. I smile and walk downstairs, making a pot of coffee for my love and I.

A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!! I know it's not Halloween yet, but I felt like writing this bc of American Horror Story and a haunted house that I went to. Guys... I couldn't make it through the house... THEY HAD THE PIG AND IT ALMOST TOUCHED ME. I started crying and one of the actors had to walk me out. Then I saw the football players from my high school... kms. SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment!!!! LOVE U :)

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