Chapter 3 - Ready To Go

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*Jon's P.O.V.*

Today has not been a good start to the day. I kind of feel like crap, I'm driving Dodie to the fine bros - while she does her react session, I get groceries, then I go back and do my react session, then we go home. She's in the passenger seat, I'm driving, and this sounds okay right? Wrong. I don't know why on EARTH this is happening now, of all the times for this to happen, but a boner has popped up out of nowhere. Maybe I should just bring up some conversation to distract myself? Probably a good idea.

'Okay, so, what'd you want for dessert?' That's a good, nice, distracting conversation starter right.

'Ice cream's always a good option.' She shrugs nonchalantly, quite obviously not caring at all.

'Ice cream? Just by itself?'  I put on an overdramatic shocked face, which she giggles at.

'Do you question the brilliance of eating Ben and Jerry's out of the tub, Jon?' She raises an eyebrow, and places her hands on her hips. 

'Well no, but-'

'Exactly.' she interrupts me. God she's so attractive. Oh god, that thought made it grow. Why am I like this?

'Well, as much as I love eating Cookie Dough ice cream out of the tub, I was thinking something slightly fancier.' I reply, putting extra emphasis on the slightly.

'What are you plotting, Jon?' Welp, She knows I'm on to something.

'Nothing, like, literally nothing. I was just thinking a bit of a change, is all.' Did I cover that well?

'Well. Surprise me then. Show me your kitchen skills. I'm sure they're amazing. I'm sure you can do anything dessert-wise, from brownies to a banana split.' I can literally feel the pain running through it when she mentions a banana split. So much so, that I end up shuddering, and then awkwardly try to play it off as a cough. Either she doesn't notice it and a banana split just happens to be the first thing she thought of to end that sentence with, or she has noticed it, and is just screwing with me. 

'Whoa, there, I said slightly fancier. Don't expect too much from me.' We've just pulled up to the 

'Huh. Welp, see you in half an hour.'

'See ya in thirty minutes.' She opens the door to get out, and as soon as the door is slammed shut, I give a big sigh of relief, trying not to look at her butt as she walks away from the car, then whisper to myself:

'Clearly, I'm too sexually fustrated.'

*Dodie's P.O.V.*

They got me to react to an Oddly Satisfying compilation. I'll admit, I was, funnily enough, oddly satisfied. Now, I sit in an outside room in the Fine Bros space, playing Best Fiends (#notspon) on my phone. I'm just about to get to a new level when Gabbie comes on through the door.

'Oh, hey! Wasn't expecting to see you here!' I beam at her.

'Hey, Dodes! Haven't seen you since London, what's up?' she asks as she sits beside me.

'Not much, I'm waiting on Jon to get out of his react session so that we can go home and eat something, Jon's insisting on cooking. How about you?' I ask, locking my phone, and facing her.

'Oh, yanno. The regular, too much time on dating apps, no boyfriend to show for it. Speaking of, what's he cooking you?' This confuses me.

'Uh, Gabbie, don't know how you didn't know this, but Jon's not my boyfriend.' She appears even more confused than I feel.

'Oh, really? I just thought you were dating but like weren't confirming it to keep things somewhat private. You totally look and act like a couple. Pretty cute one too.' I give a small laugh at this. 

'Nah, I don't feel that way about him. Pretty sure he doesn't about me either.' She grips the arm of the chair with both hands and dramatically turns toward me, which alarmed me.

'You're really quite oblivious to this stuff, aren't you?' What on earth is she talking about?

'I'm quite oblivious as to what you're talking about right now.' She rolls her eyes and continues:

'Ok. Don't know if you've put two and two together yet, but Jon likes you, okay? He wants to take you on romantic dates, give you romantic kisses, do romantic things! How are you so blind?' Well. This is shocking news.

'Did he tell you this?'

'He didn't need to. Jesus christ, Dodie, how didn't you know this? Have you seen the way he looks at you?' I mean, she could be right. Historically, I've known to be quite bad at picking this stuff up.

'Okay, look. I don't know. But I promise you, I'll start trying to pay attention. If you turn out to be right, I'll let you know.'

'Let her know what?' Both my head and Gabbie's turn toward the door into the React room, to see Jon standing in the doorframe. Gabbie shoots a knowing smile at me, and as per my promise to Gabbie, I start paying attention. No, like, really paying attention. And despite the fact that I still have absolutely no idea if he actually likes me or Gabbie's just so lonely that she sees romantic connections everywhere she goes, but something's ... different.

'Oh, nothing. We were talking about potentially making a collab or something next time I come back here.' He nods, smiles a wee bit, and says:

'Hey, Gabbie.' He turns his head to me, and asks me 'Ready to go?' Truthfully, I don't know. Because something is so different now, thanks to Gabbie planting an idea in my head, seeds growing, being watered, that I don't know how to act now. There's a feeling running around my brain, and I haven't properly felt it since I wrote Absolutely Smitten when I was like.... sixteen. Sixteen year old me was completely infatuated with a crush, and.... Oh. Oh, shit. I don't know if I'm ready to go, I don't know what's going on in my own stupid head, my stupid head which now seems to think that a relationship with someone who lives an eight hour flight away, who I only get to see about once every two months, with so much saying it's impossible behind it would be a good idea, but despite any doubts residing inside my skull, I look him directly in the face, and say with fake confidence:

'Yeah, let's go.'


What's up mothatruckkas? Isn't it cute? We went from funnily awkward situation to something a wee bit adorable. Also, I'm Gabbie trash. Fun fact.

Thank you so much for reading! Please give me a vote so I know you like it! The next chapter update will be on Amateur, my Jon fic, so go check that out if you haven't already!

See ya later!

~Ellen Cozartist

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