Chapter 7 - Waiting To Live, Waiting To Love

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*Dodie's P.O.V*

That's it. That's it. I think these lyrics are officially finished. That really didn't take long, as far as songwriting goes, and I'm in love with the words I've set in front of me. I sit in Jon's room, home alone, tinkering around on his keyboard to figure out how i want this to sound. Ideally, I'd have some nice strings on this as well, like, yanno, a cello or violin, but let's stick to basics for now. And now, it's time for my first play through it, it's flight or failure from here. Either this works or it doesn't, and I'll need to tinker further with the melody. Deep breath, Dodie. Play on through. Soon enough, my hands find their ways on to the correct keys, and my voice finds its way into the air. And just like that, my song is finding it's way in to the world for the first time.

*Jon's P.O.V.* 

Whew, that was one hell of a meeting. I hardly ever #spon, but when I do, one hell of a lot of effort goes into it. I put down my keys on the table as I walk through the apartment, when I hear keys being played from my room. Huh. That's unexpected... but also, intriguing. It's not a familiar medley - is it the new song Dodie's written? I walk over slowly and press my ear against the door not wanting to interrupt her,  and it's only now that I can hear her singing along, the first words that greet my ears being:

I'd rather date an idea;
something I'll never find.
Sure, I'll live in the moment,
but I'm never happy here
I'm surrounded by greener looking time.

My heart drops. This is the first verse I've heard of the song, ever, and it's completely sunken in. Only partially due to the 'I'd rather date an idea' line, because yes, I know it's probably not about me, but there's a portion of me that insists on taking it directly However, most of the hurt comes from just how sorrowful it is as a whole. I should probably take my ear away. Really, I should, but I can't help myself, tears are springing to my eyes and I just have to hear more. Lyrics keep coming in the most beautiful manner I've heard from Dodie. Just as the first tear begins falling down my cheek, I hear the line that really gets me.

I'm sick of faking diary entries,
got to get it in my head; I'll never be sixteen again
I'm waiting to live, and waiting to love
oh it'll be over, and I'll still be asking when.  

Oh man. The feelings she emotes with just her voice find their way in to my own and completely take it over. I remove my ear from the door and put my back against it, slowly sliding down until i'm sitting on the floor, tears still making an unwelcome debut on my face. I'm reading too far in to this, I know I am, but I just keep going. That annoying voice of worry inside me is telling me that Dodie wrote this about how she has nobody in her life she can love, unlike when she was sixteen. I know that that's a really stupid assumption to make, and I know she'll tell me later exactly what inspired her to write it - trust me, she always does - but for now my thoughts are going all over the place. If Dodie did write this about how she no longer has anyone in her life to love, then that means, quite plain and simple, that she doesn't like me. And I always knew that, in a way, from when I first began thinking of her more as a crush than a friend, that she'd never like me. I knew it. Just a few more slow tears roll down my face as the song finishes. The song that made me finally get it through my head that she'll never love me the same way I love her.

I'm waiting to live, still waiting to love
oh it'll be over, and I'll still be asking when.
oh it'll be over, and I'll still be asking when.  


Wow. That was sad.Who's hype for the next chapter? Ayyyy? AYYYYYY? The ball starts rolling in the next chapter and I'M EXCITED but knowing me it won't be up for like a month. I don't know. I'll try my best.

This book has reached over 2k reads!!! Thank you!! Earlier, I promised that if it did reach 2k I'd reveal the title, cover, and star of my next book. Problem is, I still haven't decided between the two ideas I have. And you know what that means!

*throws on a game show host voice*

It's time for a round of Ask-My-Readers!!!

That's right, you guys, gals, and non-binary pals get to pick who I write about next! The person with the most comments supporting them wins, and will, after I finish my other Jon book Amateur, have a book written about them! One vote per person, and you can only vote for one of the two. Sound good? Okay! Here are your options!

On the right we have everybody's favourite Viner/Youtuber, Thomas Sanders! Leave the words 'Fander Finds' in a comment below to secure a vote for a Thomas fic!

In the left side of the ring, we have the internet cult leader Dan Howell! Leave the words 'Hello Internet!' in a comment below to secure a vote for a Dan fic!

Thank you very much my dear readers for 2k! Check out my other Jon book Amateur if you want more from me, I'll be updating there next. Until then, HAPPY NEW YEARS bc knowing me i won't update until before then, and until next time.

~ Ellen Cozartist

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