七 「Nana」

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Lucy woke up to a ache from her lower body and warmth. She saw her mother resting near her. Then, she remembered the incident that happened last night, and she began to cry.

'Why would someone do that? Am I not strong enough?' Lucy thought. The tears fell more heavily and she buried her face into her scales. Kaosa woke up once she felt movement. She saw Lucy crying.

"My daughter, what is the matter?" Kaosa said softly as she rubbed Lucy's back with her tail. Lucy shook her head and Kaosa understood. Happy and Zeref walked in and saw Lucy scared.

"What happened?!" Happy shouted. Kaosa looked at Lucy, and when she nodded her head, Kaosa explained what happened. Happy was in shock and Zeref looked like he wanted to murder that person.

The Darkheart Brothers could do nothing for their sister. They stayed beside her, but at a distance, not wanting to scare her. And Lucy fell asleep once more, with the comforting feeling that her family is beside her.


A couple days later, Rogue and Sting arrived at Fairy Tail. They walked in and was greeted with warm welcomes and hugs. "Where is Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Lucy?" Sting asked.

At the mention of Lucy, the atmosphere became sour. The Twin Dragon Slayers were confused. "Team Natsu are on a mission and will be back soon," MiraJane said. "As for Lucy..."

She said her name with such distaste, it bothered the Twins. "Where is your master?" Sting asked. "In his office," Levy told them. They thanked her and went up to the office door, where they knocked and waited patiently.

Master Makarov yelled 'COME IN' and they did. They bowed at the Fairy Tail master and greeted him. "Did you notice?" Master Makarov asked. The Twins were confused again.

Notice what?

"Did you notice how different they are?" Master Makarov asked again. Realization dawned upon them. "I noticed that the atmosphere turned sour at the mention of Lucy's name," Rogue said and Sting nodded.

Master Makarov nodded and explained why in full detail. This anger the Twin Dragon Slayers of Sabertooth to the core. These people who taught them the meaning of value of teamwork and friends discards one of their own like it was nothing?

That is absurd.

Master Makarov noticed their anger and looked down at his paperwork. "Can you both do me a favor?" He asked. The Twins nodded. "Go to the Ancient Ruins and locate a talisman," Master said.

"What do you want us to do with it?" Sting asked. "Just find it," Master said. "What does it look like?" Rogue asked. Master looked at a picture on his desk. "You will know it when you see it," He said.

Sting agreed and both dragon slayers walked out of the guild without so much as a glance at anyone. "I can't believe these people..." Rogue said. Sting nodded. "I wondered where Lucy is..."

"Maybe we will find out at the Ruins," Rogue said.

What they didn't know was the picture Makarov was looking at was one of him and Lucy. That day, he adopted her as a granddaughter without anyone's knowledge. So, they took a picture to celebrate.

You can honestly see the resemblance.


A day later, Rogue and Sting arrived at the Ancient Ruins. They looked to see that the ruins still look intact. Walking around, they noticed that these ruins are actually livable.

Happy was flying towards them, not paying attention to where he was going. He bumped into them and landed on his face. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Happy yelled, but when he looked up and saw his old friends, the anger vanished and was replaced with happiness.

"STING!!! ROGUE!!!" Happy shouted before giving them both a hug. Sting smiled and said, "Hey, Happy!" Rogue nodded his head in greeting before saying, "Your Master sent us here to locate a talisman. Do you know where it is?"

Happy thought about it. "We have a lot of talismans here," He said. "OH!! We could ask my mom!!! FOLLOW MEH!!" Happy flew off and the Twins Dragon Slayers had no choice but to follow while laughing at his energy.


They didn't expect it.

They were not prepared in any way.

There was a dragon here.

A real dragon.

Happy flew over to it and spoke to her in a language that was foreign yet familiar. The dragon looked at the Twins before saying, "Hello. I am Kaosa. Might I ask what are you doing here?"

Rogue was the first to break out of his shock. "We are here to locate a talisman. Do you mind if we take a look around to find it?" Kaosa thought about it, and nodded. "But I will have to come with you, for there are traps here."

Rogue nodded in understanding while Sting just stood there, gwaking. Kaosa uncurled herself slowly and revealed a girl with blonde hair. Sting snapped out of it when he noticed the hair. "Lucy?!" He shouted.

She stiffened, then slowly turned around. They saw the bags under her bloodshot eyes. "Sting? Rogue?" She whispered. "How are you here?" Sting told her that Master Makarov sent them here to find a talisman.

Lucy nodded her head and curled back into a ball. Sting shouted her name, but she flinched. The Twins looked at each other confused. Kaosa sighed and explained to them what happened.

They were pissed. Who would do something to their mate, I mean, friend? Sting decided to forget about it right now and asked Kaosa, "As Rogue said, we were sent here by the Master of Fairy Tail to find a talisman. May we see what you have?"

Kaosa nodded. She turned to Zeref and told him to stay with Lucy while she showed them the talismans. She led Rogue and Sting to a chamber with many talismans laid in glass cases and hung on walls. "Look around," she said.

They looked.

And looked.

And looked.

Yet, nothing seemed to catch their eyes.

"I don't see anything Makarov wanted us to locate..." Sting said to Rogue as he looked at this talisman. A dragon necklace with a ruby diamond for an eye. Rogue stared at this 24-karat gold ring with a blood red diamond while saying, "I agree... all I can think about is...."

That's when it dawned on them.

Makarov didn't necessarily say the talisman was a item.

Rogue looked at Kaosa. "Take us back to Lucy, please," He said with urgency. Kaosa was confused but agreed nonetheless. They arrived back at the room where Lucy was laying her head on Zeref's lap, sleeping, and Zeref was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed as well.

At the same time, the Twins said, "We know what the talisman is." Kaosa looked at them to continue. They pointed to Lucy. "She is," Sting said. "Makarov wanted us to protect Lucy. But why, is the question."

"All we know, is that these ruins are underneath the protection of Sabertooth," Rogue said. "We promise to come by as much as we can." Kaosa smiled and nodded her head.

"Thank you."


Akihito stared at the lacrima before him. Fairy Tail was having a celebration for Natsu and his team. He growls. "How dare they have fun..." He mutters. "I will destroy you..."


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