八 「Hachi」

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The next day, Rogue awoke before anyone else. He and Sting slept in the same room with everyone to keep Lucy company. He stared at Lucy's sleeping figure before blushing and looking away.

He will admit, he loves Lucy. He has loved her since he felt this overprotective feeling come over him when Minerva beat her senseless during the GMGs. He wants to protect her, but he also feels like Sting feels the same way.

He might have to keep his feelings to himself, for the sake of his friendship with Sting. Said man stirred and woke up as well. "Hello," Rogue whispered. Sting yawned and waved.

He stared at Lucy. "What should we do?" Rogue shook his head. "All we can do is protect this place to the best of our ability," He said. Lucy stirred and woke up slowly to see the Twins looking at her.

"Hi..." Lucy whispered. They both waved. "Thanks for coming..." She whispered again. "It is no trouble," Rogue said quietly. "We are happy to be here," Sting added. Lucy smiled, then slowly got up.

She stumbled a bit, but she managed to stay standing. She bowed to them and said, "Thank you so much."


A man dressed in black, covered by a cloak walking into the Fairy Tail guild. Everyone stopped at looked at him. "What business do you have here?" Erza asked. The man said nothing. He raised his hand and a red beam was fired, hitting Erza straight in the stomach.

"ERZA!!!" The guild shouted. Ezra fell, unconscious. Mira transformed into Satan Soul. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" She screeched. She lunged at the man and swung with everything she had. The man easily caught her fist, and threw her against the wall. She gasped out loud and slide to the floor.

Everyone stared at the man who easily beat two of their S-Class Wizards. Soon, everyone attacked to avenge their family. The man smirked before attacking back.


A few weeks later, Lucy, Sting, Rogue, Happy, and Zeref were sitting in the arena looking at the sunset when something felt off. They all sensed it. Kaosa walked in and asked them, "Did you guys feel that?" They all nodded.

"Come. We must find out what is happening," She said. Kaosa unfurled her left wing for them to climb on. They climbed in her back and got comfy before she flew up in the air and soared towards Magnolia.


Overhead, they saw smoke billowing in the distance. "What is going on?" Zeref asked. Once they were over Magnolia, they saw the guild in disarray. Once Kaosa landed, everyone got off and ran inside.

What they saw sent a shiver down their spines.

Everyone was on the floor, either unconscious or trying to get up. Things were broken, or throw about. "What happened here?!" Sting asked. A guild member explained the best they could.

Rogue sniffed the air. "I'm getting a small scent," he said. "It smells familiar, but I don't know where." Lucy looked around and saw Team Natsu pinned to a wall. She gasped loudly at their conditions.

Erza had a small hole in her stomach and was beaten black and blue.

Gray's hands were burned beyond belief and he too was beaten.

Wendy's hair was cut very short and nails were pinned in her hand, keeping her hung on the wall,

Carla was hung by her tail and there was cuts on her.

Then Natsu.

He seemed the worse out of all of them.

He was bald, both eyes were black, he too had a hole, slight larger than Erza's, in his stomach, and was beaten so badly.

The Darkheart siblings and The Twin Dragon Slayers of Sabertooth worked there hardest to get them all down from the wall. Once they finally did, Lucy tried to heal them, but it was not working.

"MENOA!!" Lucy shouted. A woman with black, shoulder-length hair and golden eyes, wearing a crown like headband, a tank top, a jean vest with fur around the collar, and shorts came running in. (A/N: In the media, that is what Kaosa's face looks like)

"Yes?" The woman said. "Help me heal them!" Lucy demanded. The woman grabbed Lucy's hand and she helped heal the team.


Team Natsu woke up slowly. They saw Sting and Rogue, along with Lucy, Zeref, Happy and a woman they do not recognize. Wendy started to cry. "Lucy!!" She cried as she hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry!!!"

Lucy hugged her back and rubbed her head. "I forgive you, Wendy," Lucy said. Wendy looked up and smiled. She stayed in Lucy's arms and looked around. Natsu, Erza, and Gray slowly sit up while Carla is being held by Happy.

Lucy looked at the woman, and asked her to heal the others. The woman nodded and casted a healing spell on the whole guild. Soon, everyone was able to move around with ease.

Everyone was asking what happened, but no one knew. But, once they saw Lucy and Happy, tears sprung to their eyes. "LUCY!!! HAPPY!!! YOU ARE BACK!!!!" They all cried out.

But, all Lucy did was stand up with Wendy in her arms, and walk out. Happy did the same with Carla while the Twins, Zeref, and the woman followed them.


Outside, the woman transformed back into her dragon self. Everyone got on and secured themselves before she took off and flew towards the direction of home.

Wendy asked, "Where are we going?" Lucy looked at her before setting her sights on the horizon. "Home," She answered.


Akihito watched his lacrima of Fairy Tail being healed by no other than his one true love. He bit his fingernail and swore. He never planned for her to help them. "I guess I have to go with Plan B," he muttered.

He stood up and walked over to a door with a sign that said "Open When The Time Is Right". He stood in front of the door and thought, 'It's now or never.' He opened the door. Inside, there was a machine.

The machine he found in a distant land. People used it to break people and make them your slave. He stared at the machine. "You shall be mine, Lucy...." He said softly.

"And I shall never let you go."

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