十一 「Jū Ichi」

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A month later, Lucy and Rogue were visiting the town of Kelna to search for a talisman Kaosa wants. It is necklace with a silver crescent moon and a multicolored pendant that seemed to contain magical properties.

They decided to take their time. They were walking and speaking about their families. Rogue had his arm around Lucy's shoulder and Lucy had her arm around his waist. Most thought they looked cute together.

They went into a jewelry shop and looked around. They thought maybe the necklace would be in a place like this. They looked and looked, but in the end, found nothing. As they were leaving the store, the old lady called out, "Goodbye, lovebirds!!"

That made them blush as red as a tomato.


After searching all day and finding nothing, they decided to stay at a hotel and try again the next day. Lucy and Rogue walked in and asked for a room with two beds. The young lady looked at them, smirked, and gave them a room key.

Thanking her, they walked up to their room, completely oblivious to what is in store for them. Lucy used the key to open the door and turn on the lights.

They stared.

They blushed.

There was only one bed in this entire room.

"DAMNIT LADY!!!" Lucy shouted. Rogue put his hand on her shoulder, and told her not to worry. "I'll sleep on the floor," he said. She stared at him as he walked into the room. 'This guy...' Lucy thought as she closed the door and got ready for bed.


She shivered. The room was cold and she was alone on the bed while Rogue slept on the floor like he said. She stared at the ceiling and waited for 20 minutes before deciding.

"Hey, Rogue?" She whispered. He grunted to let her know that he heard her. "Come... Come sleep in the bed with me..." she whispered again. Silence was heard before movement was made. She saw Rogue's head pop up from the floor on the left side of the bed.

"Are you sure?" He whispered. She nodded her head and smiled tiredly. "Come on," she told him softly. He stood from the floor and crawled into bed next to Lucy. She immediately snuggled into him and he held her close.

After a few moments, they fell asleep to each other's heartbeat, beating in perfect harmony.


The next morning, Rogue woke up before Lucy. He looked at her, sleeping peacefully beside him. He smiled, kissed her forehead, and got out of bed to get ready for the day.

Lucy woke up a few minutes later to find herself alone in bed. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty," a voice said. She looked over to see Rogue getting his clothes together. "Hello..." she muttered as she stretched.

"I am going to take a shower, alright?" Rogue told her. Lucy nodded and watched him go into the bathroom. She slowly stood up before stretching more, cracking each stiff bone in the process.

After about 20 minutes, Rogue got out of the bathroom, clothed, and Lucy took his place. Rogue began to pack up all their things slowly, seeing how girls take so long in the bathroom.


True to his word, one hour later, Lucy FINALLY left the bathroom to find Rogue asleep on the bed. Lucy smirked and climbed on top of him. (A/N: get your mind out the gutter. No sex) She began to tickle him ruthlessly.

He woke up immediately and started to laugh hysterically. "N-NO!! HAHAHA!!! S-STOP!!" He managed to say. She stopped and got off him. "Then wake up and let's go!" She whined. He got off the bed and nodded his head.

"Yes, Ma'am," he murmured. They left the hotel and began their search for the talisman once more.


They arrived at a old store, filled with junk. They thought it would definitely not be in here, but might as well try. They walked in slowly, afraid that all these old things may jump out and get them.

A lady older than dust came limping out. "Hello, dearies!" She said, her voice sounding raspy and ready to give out. "Welcome to my shop! Please look around!" Lucy thanked her while Rogue nodded his head.

They searched, but found nothing. They almost gave up, until Lucy noticed a necklace similar to that Kaosa wants around the woman's neck. "Excuse me, miss," Lucy said. "May I see your necklace?"

The woman nodded and held it up to the light. It was exactly like the one Kaosa wanted! "Where did you get that necklace?" Lucy asked. The old lady cackled. "This old thing?" She started. "I found it deep in a cave near Mount Hakobe."

"Is it for sale?" Lucy asked. The old lady thought about it. "I might be able to part with it for.... 6,937,900 jewels," she said. Lucy had a heart attack while Rogue had a sweat drop on the side of his head. "THATS ROBBERY!!" Lucy shouted.

The lady shrugged. "I have to make a living somehow, little girl," she said. Rogue sighed and grabbed Lucy around the waist. "We are sorry to have bothered you. We shall leave," he told her. He led Lucy out the store.

She sighed. "That old lady is evil..." she mumbled. Rogue chuckled. "Yes. But, we must tell your mother what happened," he told her then kissed her cheek. She smiled and blushed. "Alright..." she said. "Let's go home."


Natsu ran for his life. He didn't understand why this was happening. Everyone in the guild, vanished.

Only he was left.

A creature with red eyes stared at him from the woods. Kill, kill! The creature screeched. KILL, KILL!! The creature ran towards Natsu and lunged at him. He managed to dodge and run south. The creature continued to chase him. DEATH, DEATH!!! The creature screamed as it jumped on him.

They both fell onto the forest floor. The creature snarled. Fear coursed through his vein, which is very unlike him. "Someone...." he whispered. "Help me!" The creature bared its ugly fangs.


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