Chapter 2:Is Thor real or not?!?

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So here’s chapter 2..


 The next morning I woke up at around 10. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a picture of me and dad when I was 12. What a great way to start the day, I thought as I felt the ache in my chest that I usually felt when I looked at the picture.

“Hi Daddy.” I mumbled sleepily as I stretched in bed. The last night flooded into my awareness. Alien-dude crash-landing, me being his guide. His eyes, Good Lord his eyes.

Last night I’d been so damned tired when I came home last night that as soon as I’d entered I’d turned on the T.V, seated alien-dude on the couch and then dragged myself up to bed.

I groaned as I thought about what he could have done while I was asleep. Hell, he could have hurt me. But oddly I trusted him. Maybe being alone is finally getting to me.

Rubbing my hands over my face, I crossed my room to the bathroom. I flicked on the switch and stepped inside. My reflection made me stumble back a bit.

“Damn” I thought as I stared at my reflection. My brown hair was sticking up in all directions, knotted and wild on my head. The bags under my eyes were so huge I could have robbed a supermarket by hiding the grocery in them. Inwardly wincing at the mental image, I turned the tap on for the water to flow and prepared to brush my teeth.

Phil would do anything to snap a picture of me like this right now, I thought wryly as I washed my face. My hair at the moment was untouchable, I was pretty sure my hand would get stuck in it right now. Sighing in resignation I grabbed a scrunchie and tied my hair loosely with it.

As I made my way down the stairs I couldn’t help but hope that last night was a dream. That thought made me quicken my steps until I was in front of the T.V room, I entered to find out my hope was in vain.

“It’s about time you woke up you know, though I suppose you helped me in a way. I learned more about your kind last night than I could have in two weeks” he spoke without turning around, his eyes still glued to the blaring television.

I cautiously made my way around the couch so I could see his face. I was a shocked a little at how handsome he was. His hair was black with a bluish hue in it, it covered his forehead and it was slightly ruffled, that made him look more boyish. His violet eyes were fixed to the T.V as if he were in a trance. If I looked like a zombie, then he was acting like one.

I inched forward to get the remote which was lying next to him. As soon as it was in my hands and I turned the T.V off.

He snapped out of his trance in a millisecond “Why did you turn it off? I was learning so much” even though the words were meant to sound firm he sounded like a whiny six year-old.

 “Did you spend all night watching T.V?” I demanded as I glared at him.

“Of course I did human, you left me and went upstairs. What was I supposed to do other than watching the device you call a T.V” he said the word television as if it was the most amazing piece of technology on the face of the earth.

“You didn’t know what television was?” I asked dumbfounded. I wasn’t a T.V addict but I would have gone crazy alone in the house if I didn’t have my T.V shows to watch.

He shook his head “On my planet we do not have such devices. It is identical to what the generals of our army use to communicate with each other. I never could have believed it could be used for entertainment as well.” he mused “it is such a wonderful device and I would appreciate it severely if you would activate it once more.” He added reaching for the remote.

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