Chapter 10: El Macho

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  • Dedicated to All you beautiful people reading!!

My exams are coming! Which is why I haven’t been updating…I’m really sorry for that…

I won’t be able to update until after the 20th so I’m leaving you all with this… BTW I need some suggestions for the cast :)

Chapter 10…                                                             


I was bored. So very bored. 

I was currently in my physics class staring at the back of Mr. Jackson’s bald head as he wrote some equations on the board. What he was teaching? I had absolutely no idea. Class rooms should have built in pillows

Just as my eyes were about to close, in what was most definitely going to be a deep sleep, I saw movement out in the hall.

Two people beating the crap out of each other.

Correction, one guy getting his ass handed to him.

I squinted and made out the ass hander dragging the guy away.

Now, the ideal thing to do in this situation would be to complain. For all I could know that guy could’ve just murdered someone. But unfortunately my instincts told me to do the exact opposite.

I raised my hand “Um.. Can I be excused?”


I heard someone talking just around the corner, near the vending machines. Unfortunately the voice was of someone I knew not-so-very-well.

“You are to refrain from having or engaging in any form of contact; physical or otherwise, with Marcy Williams,” Nick said, glaring into Jude’s eyes, his own a startling, twinkling purple. “Or the girl you seem to know as the Butterfly Chick.”

Nick currently had Jude backed up against a corner and had a grip on his neck. He looked positively flushed and angry. Jude had a blank look on his face staring dumbly onto Nick’s eyes.

“No contact with the Butterfly Chick.” he repeated.

“Nick! What the hell?! ” I exclaimed.

Nick jumped and looked at me with a guilty but steely look. “Marcy? You should be in your class right now.”

“I’ll go back once you tell me what’s going on” I retorted, shocked that he thought I would leave without an explanation “And let him go!”

He turned back to Jude “Leave; return to your class.” Jude ambled away.

“Well?” I demanded tapping my foot, with my hand at my waist.

Nick lost his tough façade and instead looked at the ground guiltily. He did this while doing an entirely human gesture; he bit his lip and scratched his hair.

How adorable!

Wait… “Who taught you how to do that?” I asked indicating his whole position.

“Oh, you noticed” he smiled “Phil told me to do this as a defense against raging females.” he chuckled “I guess he was correct.”

 I was so going to have a long talk with Phil after this “Back to my first question.”

“Well you complained on how he was repeatedly bothering you so I decided to take matters into my own hands” he said confidently.

“But you didn’t have to take away his free will!” I exclaimed “Now he’ll probably avoid me like the plague.”

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