Chapter 13: Did you miss me honey?

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I am truly sorry about not updating. The past month has been really hard on me; my friend passed away…

 Anyway, Chapter 13;


There’s a reason for why I don’t like making friends.

Phil and Lil, I have known since we were babies. Everyone else….. Not so much. We live in a small-ish town but the townspeople aren’t all cozy and warm with each other, as if they know everything about every person.  No. Not at all. And after my Dad’s death and my mother’s abandoning me, I kinda had a right to ignore people and their pitying stares.

Other than that, you just couldn’t trust anyone these days, the twin’s and their family practically took me in after mom left, so I knew that I could trust them with my life. If I had them, then I didn’t need anybody else.

And besides; making friends only increases the chances of trouble in life. For example; by befriending an alien I have managed to have become his temporary guide, I have gone from being a social outcast to a prominent figure in our town and have become known as The Butterfly Chick because of a cheap temporary tattoo (which took 3 hours of vicious scrubbing to remove), the school’s jock seems to have deluded himself into thinking I have feelings for him and I have an extra-terrestrial being living in my house, who I blabbed my entire miserable life story to last night in a moment of completely irrational of emotional turmoil.

So making friends won’t be on my to-do list for a while…..


This is a bad idea….. What have I done?!

We were all in the cafeteria. Phil was sitting by Elsa, under Lil’s not so subtle orders. He was making googly eyes as he listened, occasionally sighing, as she told him, Lil and me about the time she set a fire cracker in her annoying neighbors’ car. Lil was smirking at Phil from my other side. But just as much as I would’ve cooed at them both normally, my mind was currently on the alien sitting on the other corner of the table with two wannabe Barbie’s glued to his arms.

“So do you, like work out regularly? Or something?” I think Holly wanted to take it sound like she was purring, but it actually sounded as if something was stuck in her throat.

“Cause you’re like the activest-” Yeah she actually said that… “-guy in our school probably, and the way that you don’t give a damn about Riley, I think that’s really admirable. Everyone craps their pants around him normally.” Madison continued beaming up at Nick’s uncomfortable expression.

Okay so maybe I was being mean by calling them wannabes. Madison and Holly were after all the nicest cheerleaders. May they can convince Jude I have absolutely no feelings whatsoever for him, I contemplated biting my lip.

“Hey?” Lil nudged me.


“What’s up with you and Nick? You haven’t spoken a word to him since you got to school..?”

Nick, with his super hearing, glanced up at Lil’s question. I forced myself not to look at him and answered Lil.

“Oh you know, I talk to him enough at home. If anything you guys should talk-” I was cut off when Lil said.

“Cut the bullshit and tell me what’s wrong.” Lil said pointedly, eyes narrowed “Did he do something?”

I looked at Nick and found him staring at the table forlornly not even bothering to pretend to pay attention to what Madison and Holly were saying. I frowned guiltily.

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