Chapter 3:I'm with E.T

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Chapter 3….Enjoy :D


An hour after Phil and Lil arrived we were still sitting in the T.V room and currently Nick was sandwiched between the twins looking as if he’d rather be in a black hole about now.

“So what you’re saying is, that this hot hunk of male is an alien” Lil spoke without looking at me and just staring at Nick. Like she was practically eye raping him, his skin tight suit did not make things easier. For the past hour she had just kept twirling her curly blonde hair, I mean the stuff was wild as it was, but if she ran a brush through it now, the brush would probably get stuck.

Thankfully Phil, my brother from another mother, had more sense “Lil stop stripping the guy in your mind and let your hair go it’s about the size of a golf ball around your finger right now” Lil snapped out of her wet day dream and glared at her twin “Marce are you sure you feel okay, is this guy blackmailing you or something?” Phil spoke with a fierce look aimed at Nick. Aw how sweet.

No Phil the guy is seriously an alienI spoke exasperated.

“If I may make a suggestion”Nick spoke up in a strained voice as he was trying to get away from Lil’s closing face on the couch “Perhaps I should show them my eyes”
Damn it why didn’t I think of that “Sure be my guest.” As Nick moved to stand in front of the couch “Guys, I want you to remain calm and not panic at all okay?”

“Marce if you want me to lay off the guy all you have to do i-” Lil cut off with her mouth open in shock. I looked at Phil whose grey eyes were wide open. When I glanced at Nick I jumped a bit at how his eyes were black again with their lids white, eerily they were focused on me.

“Cut it out your scaring them” my voice was weak but firm. Thankfully he complied.
“I apologize if you were frightened, but surely you do believe now that this is not my planet of origin” he spoke in a polite tone directed towards Phil and Lil. Huh, he never talks like that with me.  

In answer Lil, the soft hearted person she is, fainted whilst Phil just said something close to “No fucking way”.

I rushed over to Lil’s side and checked her pulse, yes she’s that easily frightened. “She‘s okay she just fainted” I assured Phil when he glanced over at his sister in concern.

After situating Lil in a more comfortable position on the couch, I told Phil about all the shit that happened last night. Nick didn’t talk much except confirming me.

“So are you sure you’re alright? He didn’t hurt you in any way right?” he asked when the entire story was finished, and searched my eyes for truth.

“No Phil besides the fact that he has super human strength and can manipulate emotions, he seems pretty much harmless. He didn’t hurt me” I looked Phil in the eye when I said that.

“Actually I pose no harm to any of you three. Truthfully I am indebted to all of you now, whenever you require my help I shall deliver” he spoke solemnly looking at the both of us.

I didn’t feel as if I needed him being indebted to me, it just made me feel bad because the only thing I’d done for him up till now was dump him in front of the T.V. Phil however looked relieved.

“Okay Marce what do you need from Lil and me, just ask and we’ll do anything we can to help. No way are we leaving you with this on your own” he spoke with absolute confidence and surety.  My heart warmed in my chest.

“Well Mr. E.T here,” gesturing to Nick and ignoring his glare “will have to be enrolled in high school, that’s the best and worst place for him right now.” Phil nodded in agreement understanding my meaning quickly.

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