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++ wedding day.


"Oh my god darling! You look really gorgeous in that dress!" Aunty Kim said. I smiled fakely because, you know.. I still think that I am too young for this marriage.. plus! I'm gettin' married with my own sunbae! This is embarrassing..

"Gumawo aunty. Hehe." I said which made aunty kim face suddenly changed. Am I saying something wrong?

"Call me omma, darling. You'll be half part of family less than an hours." Aunty Kim said while smiling. I just nodded to her. Aigoo. I will be Kim SaRa after this.. And people will call me "Mrs Kim"

"Unnie unnie wh-- WOAH! UNNIE YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" Hyerin said while blinking her eyes. Kyeopta!

"Eiy! You look beautiful too, Koo-to-be hyerin! HAHAHAH!" I said while pinched Hyerin's fluffy cheeks. She just pouted as I do that.

"Dont touch my precious cheeks!! Heish.. hah! You will be Kim-to-be SaRa too okay!" Hyerin said while smirking. Duh seriously? What is going on wi-- OH!! She's excited to get married with her crush. I get it now..

While Jiwon's,,

"Are you ready, hyung? Hahaha!" June said while smirking. I really know what is he talking about. Ayee this kid is really have dirty brain!

"What june, what?" I said while my hands are busy to fix my hair. I want to look handsome on my wedding day~

"Ayeee hyung! Don't act like you forget! What night is this? HAHAHA!" June said while laughing like no tomorrow. I'm just about to join him, suddenly appa enters our fitting room.

"Don't get too excited june." Appa said while smirking at June.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed. I found it funny to let appa heard what are we talking about. Embarrassing to be very honest..

"Eh.. hehe mianhae uncle~" june said while rubbed his behind neck.

"He's your appa too, June. So just call him appa. Right, appa?" I said while looking at appa. Appa nodded which made June.. Blushing? LOL that was funny.



"You guys may kiss the brides." Says the priest. June and Bobby don't know how to react. Both of them are thinking what should they do. They keep looking at each other since they get married together.

"Just kiss!" Mr Lee mouthed to them. They nodded then kiss their wives. Then, the church are fills with a big applause.


Oh my god my cheeks are so hurts right now! I'm tired to smile duh! And keep saying "thank you" at everyone who come and say "congrats".. Yep, now I should be Koo Hyerin aka Mrs Koo. THAT WAS WEIRD BECAUSE I'M ONLY 14 YEARS OLD AND PEOPLE CALL ME MRS!

"Hey Koo Hyerin. What are you thinking about? This night? HAHAH-- OW! YAH!" I knocked jiwon's head before he could continue his annoying laugh. DIRTY BRAIN!

"Awh chill duh, rin. Everything will be alright. After this I'm not your favourite namja anymore.. Aish.." jiwon said. I dont know why his words are really touched my heart. Jiwon is right.. After this we won't be like our kids time..

"Yah! Don't say that! You're still my favourite namja! Pabo!" I said with my tears around my eyes corner. Jiwon-yah.. don't make me cry duh..

"Hyerin-yah. After this you have to be a great wife to your husband okay? You can't make your fool attitude like always.. Always respect him as your husband.. I will--"

"Stop jiwon. Don't say something stupid. You're still my brother! We're still shared the same past! So stop saying nonsense!" I cutted Jiwon words. That's it. My tears falls from my eyes. Thinking of out memories that we made, dark past that we through together.

"Heish don't cry, pabo! You'll ruined your beautiful face.." jiwon said while hugging me and patted my back. I have to admit that I get a lil shocked because he suddenly praised me.. we never did that before.. Fulls of harsh words, but, we always know that we always have each other.

Kim jiwon, is my brother, my teacher, my enemies, my bestfriend, my partner in crime, my diary, is going to have his own life.. So that me..

"Eh? Hyerin-yah.. Why did you crying baby gurl?" SaRa unnie ask with her curious face. I gave her my fake smile then swept my tears.

"Jiwon! What did you do to her?!" Unnie ask jiwon. Jiwon just smiling there which made I wanna cry again but I don't.

"Aniya~ Jiwon doesn't do anything, unnie. We're just talking. After this we have our own lifes so.. ya know.." i said. Jiwon just nodded his head.

"Yo! What are you guys talking about?" June ask as he suddenly coming to us like ghost.

"Nothing duh." SaRa unnie said. I just smile and look around.

"Jiwon, Hyerin, SaRa and June.." suddenly I heard Mrs Lee called us. We quickly turn to.. eh? All of our parents are there..

"Congratulations for you guys wedding day!" Mr Koo aka my father-in-law congrats us. We just smiled and bow together.

"Guys, is it okay if you guys live together? I mean in the same bungalow.. because I know this will be hard to Hyerin and Jiwon separate, right?" Omma said which made me and Jiwon smile widely. YES! but that's mean.. I just wasted my tears.. WTF?!

"Of course! This will be great! Right, hyung?" June said while side hugging me. I repeat, june said while SIDE HUGGING ME. I'm dead..

"Yeahhh june! Yeahhh hyerin! Yeahhh Mrs Kim!" Jiwon said and winked to SaRa unnie. Aigoo this namja!

"Glad to heard this.. hehe so, good luck for your night okay?" Mr Lee said which made other ommas and appas laughing like no tomorrow. Automatically, me and unnie's face turn red.

"Just wait chagi-yah." June whisper to my ears and suddenly winked. GOSH IM DEAD MEAT!


"Glad to heard this.. hehe so, good luck for your night okay?" Appa said and suddenly all the ommas and the appas laughing like watching the funny show ever! AISH WHAT IS THIS!

"Hope you prepared everything, baby." Jiwon said into my ears which is actually tickling me.

"Eiyu jiwon! Dirty mind! Byuntae!" I said to him.

"We'll see how byuntae am I tonight." Jiwon said while making lipsbite infront of me. OMMA!! HELP!! HE IS SO SEXY AND FUCKING ADORABLE TO HANDLE!! Chill dear heart. Fuh..

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