Chapter 11

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I caught up with Jenn and Andrea who were waiting for me outside the elevator. "What took you so long?" Jenn asked. "Uh, Jack needed to talk to me." I repiled. "Ooooooohhhhhh!" Andrea squealed. "What'd he say?!"
"He asked me out on a dinner date.. to panera." I stated. I could feel a light blush paint its self across my face.
The elevator let off a ding, signaling it was ready to take us up.
"Look! She's blushing!" Jenn exclaimed, pinching my red cheeks.
"Shut up.."


While the girls went back to their to their room, they guys and I stayed down at the pool. I planned on asking Alice out tomorrow for dinner, but then I realized I could ask her today and tomorrow and spend more time with her. I wanted her to be mine. Yeah, I'd only known her a couple weeks, but I felt something with Alice. If a friendship could be forged within days, why couldn't a relationship?


I had just gotten out of the shower, glad to be gone of the pool water smell. I grabbed my phone from the dock and hit the home button, waiting for it to light up.

1 new message

My heart fluttered as I read it was from Jack. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the message app.

"Hey, 4:30 sound good?"
the text read.
"4:30 sounds great!"
I replied back. The one minute and thirty seconds I waited for the text was probably the most anxious one minute and thirty seconds of my life.
"Great, can't wait to see you ;)"
Was the reply.
I mentally squealed because Andrea was sleeping on the other side of the room.
I decided to grab my clothes and change.
It was Panera. So I didn't want to look dressy, yet I didn't want to look like a hobo either. So I went with high waisted shorts ( basic I know) and a Paramore band tee. I paired it with the black dirty converse I always wore.
I looked at the clock, 4:00.
I was meeting Jack in the lobby in 30 minutes.
Just enough time to apply make up.
I didn't wear a lot of makeup, just eyeliner and mascara.
But I always messed up doing my winged liner so it'd take me a long time.
When I finally finished it was already 4:30.
"Damn it." I mumbled under my breath. I picked my phone up and my room key and stuck them in my pocket. I went to knock on the bathroom door so I could tell Jenn I was leaving. Just as I was about to, Jenn opened the door with her hair tied in a towel. She walked out of the door way leaving the door open while a cloud of stem flowed out of the bathroom.
"I'm going down to meet Jack." I stated.
"Okay, have fuuuuunnnn!" She said in a sing songy voice, wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed and walked out the door and made my way to the lobby.

It was 4:27 exactly when I arrived in the lobby. I sat down in one of the available chairs and waited. The elevator gave a ding and out walked Alice. Even in a tee shirt and shorts she looked flawless to me. She walked up with a smile on her face.
"Hey!" she greeted.
"Hey." I replied back.
Hey? Really I was awkward.
"Ready?!" I asked excited to eat.
I don't know what it was. A sudden Burst in confidence, force of habit or what. But I grabbed Alice's and and intertwined out fingers and led us out.
We walked down the street to the Panera just down from the hotel.
Big mistake. Naturally, since it was VidCon there were YouTubers. And the fans. We walked in and a group of teen girls, about our age saw us. All in O2L shirts. They ran over to Alice and I. "Oh my god! You're Alice Gold!" one exclaimed.
"And you're Thatsojack!" One on her left squeaked.
"Yes we are! Are you girls fans?!"
Alice asked. They all nodded their heads.
"Can we get a picture?!" One in a "Mrs. Caylen" shirt asked. "sure!" We both nodded in agreement.
One of them got a worker and we lined up by a back wall. We snapped a couple of pictures. "Anything else you guys need?" Alice asked. "C-c-could you follow me on twitter?" Mrs. Caylen asked. "of course!" Alice replied. All of them seemed to fall into a line and each told her the names.
"Thank you so much!" They all replied. "Anytime! If you ever have a problem, just DM me, okay girls?" Alice asked. "Definatly!" And with that we were back up to the counter to order.
We got our food and sat down.
"You were really nice to those girls back there." I said. I was still kinda in awe. "Uh I just try to help when I can." She repiled. Alice was a sweet girl. But not only was she sweet, she was smart, beautiful, and just an all round good person. I was really starting to fall for Alice.


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