Chapter 24

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AN: I know you guys didn't like "reach the goal"
But fuck the goal bc I wanna update whenever(: but please dot forget to vote and comment! it really helps me. Deal? Okay, read on!(:


I saw what happened coming down the stairs. Alice tried to push him off but she couldn't. I ran down the stairs trying to push people out of the way to get to Alice, I punched him in the face, despite the fact that he was three times bigger than me. My anger took over and I grabbed Alice and led her to the car.
"Jack please listen!" Alice pleaded.
I wasn't angry at her. I was just calming down from what had happened earlier.
"Alice, I saw what happened. I'm not mad." I said parking the car and turning off the ignition. I brought her to the guys's house to hang out.
She looked over at me slightly stunned. "Really? Thank god." she said relieved.
I reached across the seat and pulled her into an embrace.
"I thought you wouldn't believe me." she mumbled into my neck.
I slightly chuckled. We pulled away and stepped out of the car.
She walked over to me.
I pinned her against the car and smashed my lips into hers.
I could tell she was taken by surprise but she began to kiss back. I abruptly pulled away and left a kiss just below her ear.
"But you're still mine, and no one else's." I whispered. She smiled and nodded her head. Like she was agreeing.
I didn't wanna be the "overbearing boyfriend" and I wasn't mad at Alice. But I did want her to know she was mine. As long as she'd want me, I was hers and only hers.


I was so relieved that Jack knew what happened. I couldn't lose him. We walked into the house. Ricky was watching a movie with Connor and Jc was in the kitchen eating pizza.
"Hey, how was the party?" Jc asked.
Jack and I looked at eachother.
"It was okay I guess." Jack said.
"Okay? That party was supposed to be sick."
"Well, uh we left early." Jack stated, hoping to dodge the question.
"Uh just because, we're going to bed, bye." Jack said.
I laughed at how uncomfortable he was.
He led me up the stairs to the last room on the right of the hall.
Jack led me into the dimly lit room and unexpectedly pinned me against the wall.
"What's so funny?" his lips brushed against my neck.
I let out a small whimper because of the contact. He smirked against my neck, leaving small pecks going to my mouth.
We began to kiss. With each kiss shared the intensity for more rised.
It was getting pretty heated with Jacks hand resting on my bare waist.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
"Go away!" Jack yelled, still kissing my neck.
More pounding.
"Go away!" Jack groaned. I stifled a laugh.
The knocking continued and he reluctantly pulled away.
He blushed when he realized mine and his shirt had somehow found its way to the ground.
I suddenly felt vulnerable standing infront of him in my bra and shorts. I blushed, covering myself with my arms. He picked up my shirt from the floor and handed it to me.
"You're beautiful, okay? Never think anything less." he whispered in my ear, kissing my nose. Not even bothering with his shirt, he answered the door.
"You're mom is on the phone." Trevor replied, handing him to house phone.


"Mom?" I asked, slightly confused of why she'd be calling this late.
Then I remembered it was only 10:00 at night there instead of 1:00 am here.
"Jack, you didn't answer your phone so I called here."
My mom worried a lot so she liked to call once a week.
"Oh sorry, we went out and it died." I explained.
"Oh where'd you and the boys go?"
"Not me and the boys, Alice and I went out."
I told my mom about Alice last week.
"Oh, how is she!?" mom exclaimed.
I laughed and looked over at her sitting on my bed.
"She's great."
She looked over at me with a confused expression on her face.
"Really what'd you guys do tonight?"
"We went to a party and came back early. We were just about to watch some movies."
"Oh, sorry. I'll let you go then."
"Okay, bye mom. Love you."
"Love you too. And I wanna meet this Alice....Soon!"
"Alright mom," I said chuckling. "bye."
I hung up and walked down stairs to put the phone back in its holster on the wall.
I walked back into the room, and jumped on the bed ontop of Alice.
"Ahh!" she shrieked.
We began laughing. I crawled off of her and got off the bed.
"Here, babe." I said, tossing her one of my shirts.
She was so small that I knew the shirt would be like a dress. Compared to her, I was a giant.
I pulled off my jeans and pulled pajama bottoms on, not worrying about a shirt.
"Don't look." she giggled, turning around as I sat down on the bed.
Her back was towards me, but I could still tell she was blushing furiously.
I watched intently as she gracefully slipped off her shorts, then as she pulled her shirt over her head. She slipped my shirt over her head, tied her hair in a messy bun and turned to face me, placing her hands on her hips.
"I said don't look." she painted a playful scowl on her face.
She looked so cute with her hands on her hips. And it looked even cuter in my clothes.
"Oh shush, just come cuddle meeee." I whined.
She climbed under the covers and I pushed play. I wrapped my arms around her waist, cuddling her into my chest. Within less than 10 minutes I heard soft snoring coming from Alice's mouth.
I never wanted to leave this moment.

I kinda felt like this chapter was kinda boring..i dunno. Anywas, comment below what your fave part was, and don't forget to vote! Love you bunches and Byyeee-Makenna!

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