Chapter 21

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"Hey I'm going shopping with Anthony and Jenn. I'll see you when I get back, okay?(:"
My text from Alice stated.

I wondered where she was. Looks like I was going to take a nap. I looked at my phone.
4:15. Okay. I'll only sleep for half an hour.

"JACK! ALICE IS HERE!" Trevor yelled.
I jolted awake, surprised by yelling.
I looked at the clock.
Yeah, Jack.. Nice.
"Only half an hour."
Trevor was about to leave to meet his mom for dinner.
"Bye guys."
"Bye." I waved
"Bye, Trevor!" Alice also waved
"Hi." she stated, sitting at the end of the bed.
"Well hi."
"I brought you food."
She said gigging.
She pulled out a Panera bag behind her.
"A turkey and tomato sandwich, no mayo and Mac and cheese." she said, handing me the bag.
I knew there was a reason I picked her. A girlfriend that unexpectedly brought me food.
"Yumm, thanks babe." I thanked her. I'd never used a "pet name" for Alice yet. But she didn't seem to mind.
"Welcome, babe." she said smirking, putting the emphasis on "babe"
"Hmm, I like that. "Babe." " I said.
"It's sexy." I said smirking.
She laughed and stuck her tongue out at me.
"Come here." I said in a whiney voice. I gestured to the spot next to me.
She plopped down next to me.
We talked while I ate. I finished and got up to throw the bag away. I looked up to find her on her phone, probably on twitter or something. Alice was so beautiful. I couldn't believe that she was mine. When I came here, I didn't plan on having feelings for Alice. Yeah, coming here before we actually met she was my "YouTube crush" but I didn't plan to love her. Now that I do, I'm glad I came.

"What are you staring at?" Alice asked.
"You." I simply stated.
"Why?" she asked giggling.
"Because you're beautiful."
"No I'm no-" I cut her off with a kiss.


"What are you staring at?" I asked.
"You." he stated.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you're beautiful."
I'm beautiful? No.
"No I'm no-" I was about to say "not" but Jack pressed his lips to mine.
I immediately responded. I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his hair.
He flicked his tongue across my bottom lip. We'd never does this before but the hunger I felt for the feeling of his lips on mine was so strong. I allowed him entrance and he smiled. Our tongues fought for dominance. He won. Our chests were heaving up and down. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine, something he did often.
"Yes you are."
"What?" I asked confused.
"You're beautiful. You're honestly the most beautiful person I've ever seen, Alice." he finished.
My hearts speed was rapid and my cheeks were red at the sound of his words.
I forcefully kissed him. He smiled and laughed into the kiss. Once again he asked for entrance. I let him in again. This type of thing was foreign to me. But I knew I could trust Jack.
I now realized our position. Jack was leaning over me as I laid on the bed. I expected him to go further. But he didn't. His hands stayed at my hips and I smiled, realizing I had finally picked someone good.

There was a knock at the door. Jack paused but never pulled completely away.
"Urrggg." he groaned.
He pecked my lips and got up to answer the door. It was Jc, Connor, Ricky, and Sam back from their dinner.
"Hey." Connor greeted.
"Hi." I replied back.
We small talked about their dinner and how much we'd miss VidCon.
"Well I gotta go." I said looking at the time, realizing how late it was.
"Noooooo, stay." Jack pouted.
"I would but I don't wanna intrude on the other boys...and this whole trip I've only spent one night in my room." I finished.
Jack giggled.
"Fineee. Do you want me to walk you?" I asked.
"No it's alright."
"I'll see you in the morning then?"
"Yes, yes you will." I answered.
"Bye." he said pecking my lips.
I walked out the doorway and began to walk down the hall.
I turned around.
"I love you." Jack stated.
I smiled and walked back and kissed him. I pulled away and walked away towards the elevator.

"WAKE UP!!!" Jenn yelled, jumping on my bed.
"Noooooooo! It's to early." I mumbled, pulling the covers over my head.
" me packkkk!" Jenn stated.
"You should've packed last night."
"I didn't though. Pwease help?"
"Finnneee" I groaned.
Between the two of us her stuff was packed in 20 minutes.
"How much time do we have left?" I asked.
"Half an hour until we meet the boys in the parking lot." Andrea replied, coming out of the bathroom.
I threw on some yoga shorts and a tank top. I threw my hair in a bun and walk towards the door.
"Does anyone want anything from the Starbucks in the lobby?" I asked.
"Hot Chocolate!" Jenn exclaimed.
"Vanilla bean frap please." Andrea said.
"Got it." I said, grabbing my wallet and heading out the door.

I got back with about 10 minutes until we left.
We ran one last check through the room to make sure we had everything.
There was a knock at the door.
"Oh and the others."
I laughed and greeted Jack.
"What no kiss?" he asked jokingly.
I laughed and kissed his cheek.
I knew that wasn't what he meant but it seemed funny to tease him.
"Y'all ready?" Ricky asked.
"Yes! I wanna be home!" Andrea said.
I went to reach for my bad but Jack already had it and was rolling it towards the door.
"You coming?" he asked, smirking.
That smirk Would be the death of me.
I walked towards him in the doorway and planted a kiss on his lips.
He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers, like always.
We made our way to the parking garage and piled in the cars like when we left.
It was weird but I felt like our relationship could really start.
Like, we didn't have to rush around to meetings or anything.

Sorry if this was kinda boring..
I just wanted to update for you all!
This was more of a filler chapter the next couple should be more descriptive.
I wanna dedicate this chapter to flawlesslohanthony because she always comments nice and encouraging things that make me remember why I keep writing. Si thank you! I need 7 comments and 15 votes for the next update. I LOVE YOU ALL BYE.-Makenna

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