[1] daryl dixon

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daryl dixon
"i'm not going nowhere"


You're running, panting, all you can hear are the snarls of the undead, almost as though they were cackling sadistically, as when you turn around to see where they were, they all stopped, as Carl was in the middle of the field, the big, never ending field, and you could see the fear in his eyes, I mean, it's your little brother for fucks sakes, his eyes wide and with tears, his screams "Y/N!!!!!!!" - slightly blurry in translation, your ears ringing, as though a gun shot just went off in your ear, you crouch down, put your hands over your ears to ease the pain.
When you look up, Carl is standing there
Blood covering him,
Holes all over his body, his insides seeping through,
The only words he says to you is "you could've stopped this, you could've saved me, now look at me, Y/N LOOK AT ME!"


You jumped awake, nearly hitting your head on the bars above you, holding the other mattress right where it is, in the prison.
You grabbed your chest, trying to ease the pressure building up from it.

"What got you so worked up anyway, been watching you sweat pounds away by the gallon for a good 5 minutes" you heard Daryl say, as he cleaned his crossbow, only half of his face illuminated in the moonlight creeping in from outside.
Your head darted to where the noise came from, making you more anxious, you try to reply, but only gasps, or wheezes came out, this is when he properly looks at you, sees your distress, he puts everything down, and comes to sit in front of you, hands by his sides.

"Woah woah woah, Y/N you're all good, look at me, no look me in the eyes, the eyes Y/N, jheeze and I thought you could follow orders" he said jokingly, you scoff in between gasps, or at least you try to.

"There you go, see you'll be okay, now how about we start counting every time you take a breath yeah, timing it and shit so we know you're improving? Sound like a plan?" He said soothingly, you've never spoken to Daryl before this moment, and thinking back, you have no idea why you hadn't.

Even after his suggestion, you shake your head vigorously, "C-C-" you try and say, he puts his hand on your shoulders, and gently rubs, he looks you in the face, sighs and nods; "Y/N, Carl.." he pauses for confirmation this is what you meant, when you nod, he continues "Okay, Carl is perfectly fine, he's in a room with your dad and Judith, they're okay, I've been keeping watch the whole time, I stopped by their cell, trust me they're doing okay"
Although your breathing is still labored, and your head throbs, he can see by your expression that you're relieved, so he lets out the smallest smile, only other time you saw that was when Beth spoke to him about hope.

"Right, I'm gonna go and-" just as he was about to get up and leave, your eyes go wide, and you say "Daryl, please no please don't leave me, Daryl not you too,
you have to stay"

He turns so he faces you, and uses both his hands to gently grab your face, and slowly ease into kissing your forehead, and resumes to where he once sat, and said
"I'm not going nowhere, guess we're stuck together - now, let's try actually breathing, you ready to start counting darlin?"

If this is what Daryl classed as being stuck, then I would never want to become undone from him.

[ woohoooo!!!!! first imagine complete!!! let me know what you guys thought, if it was good or what you want to see next time!!!! sending my love to you all !!!! ]

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