[7] daryl dixon

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"the void can feel as dark as the night, but you are a sunshine in the dark, you know that?"

Third person POV

AFTER all the destruction of Negan and the Saviours, after watching your brother Glenn's head being destroyed by a sadistic man with a bat named after his wife, you didn't see the point in anything, didn't see the point in moving on, and after your husband Daryl was taken by the saviours, it cemented a helplessness within you, one you never thought possible to get rid of.

"y/n, I know it's hard, but come down for some supper, please - we all miss you, we've all lost so much, we can't lose you too" you heard Rick's voice from the porch of the house You once shared with your husband and brother, you loved how they were like family too.

Silence filled the air, until you heard the door open and heavy footsteps trudge up the stairs, almost fearful steps of what he might find. Rick slowly opened your door, to find you crossed legged on the bed, your room immaculate as you haven't slept in days since it happened.

"y/n, look at me please" rick said, sauntering over to you, kneeling down so you were face to face, but all you could do was stare straight ahead, as if in a trance. You heard him heavily sigh next to you, knowing there was no way of getting through to you. Just as he was about to speak again, you heard the gates open and Olivia run in the house to find rick, and fearfully whisper "they're here."

When you heard those words, you moved for the first time since everything happened, grabbed your knives, and rushed past them, both of their faces etched with shock and horror, not knowing if you'd make it to see tomorrow with the intentions you had.

your POV

Red. All I see is fucking red. His smug face with his condiment-resembling beard, his posture of a bulky twat from school, and his smirk, the smirk that could curdle milk with a glance.
I can feel myself moving closer to his car, where he and his henchmen are stationed, provoking fear to those of the community.
My fists clenched as I prepare myself for the torture I will bestow onto him as he did when he killed my brother and took the love of my life.
He's in front of me.
Now's my chance.

"Oh if it isn't the girl with the great tits, I must say I was looking forward to seeing you today, shit, my day keeps getting better, whoever ties you down is a lucky man - although I must say, you look like shit girl, what happened to you? I'm almost disappointed." He said, smile as gruesome as a horror movie, my face becoming disgusted and my whole body heating up, I can hear the heavy feet of Rick's sprinting to catch up with me, but it was too late.

"The lucky man? You've already met him, you took him away from me, took the father of my daughter away, are you happy now, have you spread your fucking testosterone far enough to 'assert your dominance?' You're a real piece of shit you know that? So fucking juvenile, killing those we love, all because someone's so strung up on being the boss of the planet, you're nothing but a fraud Negan, I wonder if everyone truly knows how weak you really are because shit, it's fucking plain as day" I said, teeth clenched as I'm seething through my words, waving my arms exasperatedly, as he did to us that fateful night.

His face looks shocked, as if no one really stuck it to him before without shitting their pants, not me. I've had it.

"Wooooweee! Balls of steel on this stallion ey?" He shouted, smile becoming more forced, I smirked and tutted.

"Oh Negan, did you really think I was done with you? You've got a fucking long way to go, because I know your secrets-" he looks at me with a warning stare, tongue over his teeth sucking them back into his smug mouth.
"-but it's become apparent to me that others don't, and you wouldn't want everyone to know about dear Lucille would you?-" Y/N that's enough" Rick said through my rant, trying to break my anger away, but how little he knew.

"-How you're so hell bent on avenging her death that you take it out on the innocent, those with a life left to live." I looked around, his henchmen looking bewildered and shocked.

"Oh you didn't know? Yeah the contraption he carries is called Lucille, how fucking weird can you get?
"-I mean yeah, if the love of my life died, I'd do anything to feel better, I get that, people need to mourn... so why inflict how you felt then on other people ey Mr Bigshot?" Silence fell over Alexandria, "did I finally make the Dick-Driven Dictator shut his fucking mouth? No words?" My cocky speech stopping, my face turning cold, I turn to him, lean in close to his face so I can feel his breathe on my cheek and harshly whisper:
"Don't for a second think you fucking scare me, you're a fucking pussy cat, kill me, torture me, do what you want, it'll just make my point fucking cement wouldn't it honey?" As I turn to walk away, walking with pride and conviction in my step, I hear him call

"What about Daryl, sweet cheeks, want him to rot in a cell, or would you rather have him back?" I chuckle and turn around, making direct eye contact with him as I saunter over, puffing out my chest to show I'm not his little bitch, and with a smile I say:

"Negan, you already had your plans with him, and trust me, he's not staying there long, he's got his whole life ahead of him because he's good, you? I'll give you a week, maybe even a day if I had my way with you, so don't try and make me soft, nothing can change me back, do we understand each other, prick?"

He looks scared, actually scared, everyone is shocked, until his face hardens, and he says,

"Dwight, bring me my baby, my Lucille, she's getting dessert, she fucking earned it"

I stood there, with the smirk never leaving my face, becoming ready with what's about to happen,

"Oh and before I forget, get Mr Hix-son out here, that red neck needs to see this shit" he calls to Dwight who disappeared behind the van, the smirk never faded or faltered, we don't break that easy.

"-hands off of me, don't touch me don't hurt her, you son 'f a bitch don't you touch her!" I could hear my love screaming, flailing, struggling, all the things I wish he didn't have to endure.

"Right, you tight bunned beauty! You have a choice, either I kill you and he stays, you come back with me and fuck me whenever I want and he can stay, or you both die, either way, it's a win-win opportunity in my eyes for me, ain't that right sugar tits" he called, reminding me of a certain someone.

"Do anything but don't you fucking dare call me that" I spat, because even though Merle was a dick, he was his brother.

"Oooweeee! We hit a soft spot there didn't we darlin' - at this rate, with the way you're talking, you're both dead!" He said with a smile, making my blood boil.

"Here's the deal Negan, I choose option number one, because someone has to care for our daughter and I'd rather be dead than have your pathetic excuse of a dick anywhere near me, capeesh?" I announced monotone, no emotion, like it had been for weeks.
"Have it your way baby cakes, such a shame I couldn't test drive that sweeeeeet pussy of yours" his smile wide and His eyes turning dark, and after a few minutes, so did everything else.

I got my wish, and all I remember was the screams, the cries and the feeling of hands holding my body tight, my Daryl will always miss me,

"the void can feel as dark as the night, but you are the sunshine in the dark, you know that?" I heard him whisper as tears fell from his eyes, I weakly open my eyes to stare at his eyes one last time, before the world went colder than any soul left on the planet, and the smile finally left my face, as did everything else.

[im not too impressed with this one personally, I've been going through a tough time lately, trying to write coherently isn't going great, hopefully be back on top form soon #deuces]

(UPDATED 22-3-18)

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