[13] tara chambler

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"why do you always have to leave, you're safe with me"


EVERY morning I wake up and look to the left, in the beds we claimed our own and the houses we made ours, to find the woman of whom has held my heart for years, the woman whose brown hair never stays neat, whisking into her face, covering everything but her slightly agape mouth; but this morning, I found crumpled sheets and a cold side of the bed taking her beautiful place, making me long for the brown eyes I fell for.

Although my disappointment is accompanying me, I stretch my tired limbs and make my way out of the house, half asleep, looking like a walker myself (glad Andrea's not around anymore otherwise I'd be sporting a whole in my shoulder as a result of my get up).

I look around with my slit eyes, squinting as the sun attacks them to find my love, loading ammunition and guns into the truck. Using my hand as a shield, I walk over dragging my feet along with me. "Tara!" My groggy voice manages to shout to her, seeing her head turn, and the smile growing on her face, as she takes my appearance in, mouthing what I can only imagine is "Oh God" as she giggles the way she did when we first fell in love, sending butterflies cascading through my stomach.

"Where are you going?" I said disappointedly, a fake pout on my face to make her feel guilty (I'm good at that, you see). She huffs a sigh, guilt already seeping through her veins, and says "We're going to get more supplies, we're running low, the things I do thinking of you in mind ey?" She smiles, cheekily trying to return the guilt to its rightful owner,

"Why do YOU always have to leave, I know you're safe with me" I say, stroking up and down her arm to comfort her, but mostly myself, her eyes look deep into mine, and she holds my cheeks with a slanted smile, eyes twinkling all the whole as she leans in to kiss my lips, softly caressing them with her own, and as she pulls away, she rests her forehead on mine and whispers "I'll always come back to you, nowhere else I'd rather be, okay Y/N?"

As a deep breath leaves my nose, eyes shutting themselves, I nod, "I know my love, hurry back" as a tear falls down my face, she hurries to wipe it away, and winks, turning slowly back to the truck, "I'll be back before you can even say 'Tara is the best girlfriend in the world and she is amazing'" she says, scoffing a laugh, showing her teeth and all in the widest smile I've ever seen, and most beautiful, I smile and say "But honey, my mama told me not to lie to people" I retort with a wink, watching her leave.

As the words leave my mouth, she turns around, smiles fakely and gives me the finger, as I laugh at her reaction, I shout back "I'm expecting more than just the one later babes" as I wink, hearing Abraham and Rosita laugh, and Rick cackle at Tara's burning cheeks.

With all the joy surrounding me, I knew everything would be okay, and even if it wasn't, we'd make it that way.

#deuces xxxxxx
as requested by @TheKindhearted xxx

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