[14] maggie greene

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"I couldn't find the way to you, so I made it"

[set after the prison, your character meets everyone like Carol does after the fall of terminus]

BANG, that's all I heard at first, after trudging my way to my supposed safe haven, and the notes left on the signs pointing towards the heaven I dragged myself to; "Y/N, GO TO TERMINUS - MAGGIE"

The moment I saw it, my heart stops, suddenly making me fall in love with her all over again, the thought of my angel writing me notes to pave the way of safety and certainty, what I've longed for for the months we've been separated; my smile finally reaches my cheeks, and it closes my eyes slightly with pure joy and excitement, the warm feeling returning to my senses making it feel as though I was once again enveloped in her arms, and the world was once again simple;
In that moment I knew I had a solitary mission; FIND MAGGIE GREENE AT ALL COSTS, and by God was I going to accomplish it.

As I step away from the map, feeling my feet airily sprint my way there, my calf's aching with weariness, with the exhaustion that's become my only companion whilst I've been weighed down with loneliness. The smoke rising, thickly floating upward to the sky, in the direction of Terminus, in the place she instructs me to go.

I fear for her, but I know she's still there, I know she's safe, I can still feel her presence around me as I run, and run, and keep running the whole way, I hear her laugh through my ears as if she's right here next to me, making the journey all the more fulfilling, the sweat dripping past my open mouth with the saltiness becoming acquainted with my tongue, the smile still etched on my face, as I know that Maggie Greene survived whatever happened there, because she has a mission too; LET Y/N FIND ME AT ALL COSTS.

As the smoke floats above my head, I know I'm near as I trudge through the woods, accompanied by a metal fence guarding the sanctity of this place, and that's where I see them, behind all the lengthy trees stands my family, and behind all the nature, shines the girl who burns hotter and brighter than the sun and stars combined. I stand still just taking her in for a second, utter disbelief I finally found her again, as I'm staring I snap a twig under my foot, and I see them all turn in a synchronised fashion and point there weapons at me;

I raise my arms around the tree, showing them I have no weapons before letting out a deep breath and saying "come on guys, is that any way to greet an old friend?" As I step past the tree, eyes glassy, smile wide just staring at her the whole time, her face contorting into the smile I've dreamt of for countless nights, I've dreamt of since the farm;

She breaths a laugh, a tear accompanying her face, falling faster than any drop of rain; and she runs, just like she did with me on the way to Terminus, but this time, it's really her;

My arms wide, enveloping her to recreate the warmth I felt hours ago by the mere thought of her.

"How did you find us? Did you get my notes? Just you wait until I tell Bob and Sasha I wasn't fucking crazy!" She said, smile never leaving her perfect lips. I shook my head and faked disappointment, "Is THE Maggie Greene SWEARING! I told you Dixon was a bad influence" I sarcastically retort, hearing the disapproval from Daryl, "HEY!"

I laugh; happiness crashing onto me, all at once as I have the catalyst to every emotion I ever felt standing in front of me, as she brings our faces together, pressing her lips to mine, making the world make sense again.

"Let's just say, at first I couldn't find my way to you, so I made the way" tears cascading down my dirtied cheeks, as well as hers, and we just stayed glued together, holding each other as if when we let go, we'd lose each other again, and I know full well neither of us will let that happen.

#deuces xxx

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