Chapter 3: Exception

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Also look at my causal lil groff bby George is gonna look like that for today))

(Evanna's POV)

Colonies... Washington... Rebels... Revolution... bla bla bla... America... More Information On The Kings New Lover-
I folded the newspaper and walked to my room, sliding the paper under my bed.

"Second week in a row..." I groaned

We had written about forty five letters to each other now (According to his numbers.) over a span of seven months. It was the April of 1777 and within all the talk about the war, there was always a section about the king. I have been featured in this section twice now.

As I walked back to the counter, my eyes narrowed. A carriage was rolling into view. I raised an eyebrow and leaned over the counter, patiently waiting to see who would emerge from the vehicle. The carriage stopped and the driver walked in. He held a single letter in his hand. The man simply handed it to me and stared. I opened it up gingerly.

46. Dearest Evanna,
This may come as quite a surprise to you but I will be coming inside your shop in about thirty seconds. You will receive this letter when I am outside. You will let me in without preparing anything, I want to see you as you are.
Soon, King George III

Curse him.
I looked up at the man and nodded as a signal to let him in. I put the letter in the drawer where the other forty five were and waited. The door to the carriage opened to reveal The King with... casual clothes? They were far too fancy, but they weren't his usual outfits.
George finally walked in and instantly reached for my hand to kiss the back of it.

"Evanna." He nodded

I curtsied stiffly and murmured
"Your Majesty."

He lead my hand around the counter, signaling for me to follow him to the front of it. I allowed him to lead me around it. I stopped two steps in front of him.

"Are you prepared to leave this shop for an hour or so?"

I looked around, there wasn't much to fix or lock up. Plus, who would want to steal flowers?

"I am."

"Then come along." He said and lead me outside, helping me into the carriage.
I sat by the window and George climbed in across from me. He never took his eyes off me ether.

The carriage began moving in the opposite direction of the castle.

"Have you read the paper?"

"I'm afraid I have."

"I apologize."

"No need."

I didn't take my eyes off the view outside. George shifted in his seat, coughing quite loudly to try and get my attention. I simply ignored him, but with incredible caution.

One wrong move and I'm gone.
Or at least Philip told me I would be.

He asked softly. I didn't reply as if I didn't hear him.
He said much louder, and I jumped. I whipped my head around to face him.
A look of pure horror displayed on my face
"Is that true?"
He whispered

"Excuse me?"
I (For no apparent reason) whispered back.

"Is Philip feeding you lies about being punished? Do you fear me, my dove?"

I said the thing aloud, didn't I?

"I-I... oh god, your majesty I- er... didn't think I said that aloud! I apologize!" I rushed out and bowed my head.

He snorted in an amused sort of way.
"Stop apologizing. We can't have any fun with this if you fear me..."

George then pulled out a notebook of some sort and a writing tool. He then wrote on it for about five minutes. Writing and pondering combined. I simply stared in curiosity and shock.
The paper was soon ripped out of the notebook and handed to me.

Freedom of Speech for an Individual - Evanna Lorinne Evans
I, King George Frederick III, hereby grant Evanna access to freedom of speech without being punished. Once a counter is written and signed, this paper is deemed useless and invalid.
Thou shall not punish Evanna for saying as she wishes against The King (Only) regardless of how it's done. There shall be no exceptions or bends for this and it is firm until a counter is written by me or one of us dies.
George Frederick III
I looked up in disbelief.

I nodded
"Keep it forever. I like the feisty ones anyway. Now try it, test it out."

I raised an eyebrow, doubting the power of the paper.

"King George is a flirty bastard."

George gasped in an offended manner and I pulled a horrified expression, about to slap myself for being so stupid.

"My word! I am Heartbroken! Alas, I cannot punish you for the damn exception paper! Oh, do continue!" He wailed sarcastically.
My expression faded and I started to laugh my ass off.

"The devilishly handsome King George is nothing but a man of 'fuckery'"

I added with an exaggerated accent before letting out a snort from keeping my laughter in.
George let out a loud laugh as soon as I did.
"My H- Ooh! Did you call me handsome? I must return the favor!"

He exclaimed through the laughs

"Evanna Evans is the most beautiful girl I have ever met with a plant compulsion."

"Don't shame me!" I replied, not even trying to contain my laughter.


The driver opened the door, I had barely noticed that we arrived.
I was on the floor of the carriage dying of laughter, holding onto one of George's legs for support. He was sprawled against the seats, holding his stomach and practically screaming with laughter.

It was quite a sight.
We somehow managed to calm down.

I crawled out of the carriage and landed on a patch of grass. Catching my breath after loosing it all from laughing.

"Where are we?" I asked George and covered my eyes

"The hills. I'm taking you to a giant willow tree."

"Is this because of my plant 'compulsion'?"

I chuckled

"Oh, get up!"
I turned my head to see George towering over me with a grin.

"Help me."

George kneeled and picked me up bridal style. We started walking, leaving the driver and carriage behind.

"George, I meant help me up, not carry me. A King shouldn't bow to pick up a peasant."

"However, A king only bows to his queen."

One of my father's sayings.
But wait,

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