Chapter 4: For the worse

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((My bbbbbybybbybybyybybbyyb
Also, Brianna inspired by MissStrange_
faatcakes to be brought in later in the story.))

"What do you mean...?"

"You'll see, my dove."

I grew silent after the comment.
The carriage moved out of view as he carried me to a hill.

"You are not going to carry me over that."
I piped up from his arms.

He scoffed
"Do you doubt my power?"

"Politically? No. Physically? Yes."

Surprisingly, he managed to carry me over it without stumbling once. I mentally applauded him, because If I had been wearing those ridiculous heeled shoes and attempted to carry a human girl over a hill, I would've died.
Okay, it wasn't incredibly steep, but you get my point.

We came to a stop at the top of it and all that sat there was a large stump.
Someone cut down the tree.

George looked even more disappointed than I did

"I suppose this will have to do, stay here."
He murmured and set me down on the stump before running back down the hill. I quickly stood up and crossed my arms with a raised eyebrow.
As just as quickly as he left, George reappeared with a blue rose in his hand, obviously painted and half dead.

As just as quickly as he left, George reappeared with a blue rose in his hand, obviously painted and half dead

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I was not impressed, and it seemed as if George was so into the moment that he failed to notice.
Here it comes.

"Evanna, from the second I heard your name, you had peaked my interest. I invited you over, and instantly fell in love..."

Honestly I wanted to throw up. Out of disgust and fear.

"Sadly, I was blinded by it and I failed to do this as properly as I should have. I scared you away..."

However, an idea came to my mind. The words he wrote to me in the carriage. It gave me a small power that would do so much.

"I sent you home, in shame of making a fool of myself. I gave it time and wrote you letters so we could get to know each other. As if I was an equal to you."

I could refuse. I could say no. I could walk away just as if we were equals. I had that small power, and it meant so much to me.

"Forty six letters I wrote to you, and I plan to write more. And once I'm through with my plan, I will write until I crumple to dust. With you."

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