Chapter 8: The Wedding

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A/n: I recommend reading the bonus chapter to avoid confusion

King George was TALL AF HE WAS LIKE 6'6 DAMN SON


I bet this is what she had to wear I during the wedding:

I bet this is what she had to wear I during the wedding:

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I've watched my mother get drunk.
I've watched her sleep with other men.
I've watched my childhood home fade into the distance as we ran.
I've read the letter informing me of my father's death.
I've sat through poverty.
I've experienced terror.
I've seen people get beheaded.
I've watched my own home burn down.
I've watched my best friend fall and burn to his death.
I've seen my half siblings nearly starve.
I've sat through the most damaging insults.

And yet this wedding is still the worst day of my life. - Evanna's 173rd letter to Sofia, a friend that lived an ocean away.


January 23, 1778

I couldn't sleep.
It was midnight, and I marked that our as the first hour of the worst day of my life.

I tried sneaking out a few times because of the darkness, but the castle was well lit and there were at least twenty guards at every window and door.
When sunlight peeked through some widows, I retreated to my chambers and attempted to sleep.

I couldn't, so I walked out again.

After twisting and turning through a few halls, I came across a small window with no guards. Sadly, I couldn't even fit my damn head through.

Birds were chirping as if they were flaunting their freedom. Is the world making fun of me?

I slammed the window shut and ran. Eventually, I came across a quiet hall with no windows but doors. Only the sound of a clock ticking cut into the sil-


"BY GOD-!" I screamed at the sudden noise and fell to the floor laughing. Stupid cuckoo clock, it scared me. The clock rung five more times before the wooden bird disappeared.

"Hm. I never knew they put cuckoo clocks in the halls..."

"They don't."

I screamed again and spun around.

There was a guard right in front of me, beating my height by a whole head- and shoulders. He chuckled and spoke again

"You're in the maid's dorms. You'd better go back now. Keep going straight, go up the stairs, turn right, and go all the way up the second staircase. You should know the way from there. Good day."

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