Chapter 7: Proposal

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A/N: I got rid of the "And I realized three fundamental..." part from the last chapter


+From this point on some parts of the story may be considered domestic abuse.

But no one is gonna start abusing anyone.
I don't tolerate it..

((Skylar Sparrow as - @Zelinah_writes))

Oh... if my enemies could see me now...forgetting about a war for a girl who doesn't even love me...
I'd be the laughing stock of the entire planet.

But lucky me, no one needs to know that she doesn't love me. Also, it isn't wasted effort at all...
I found an unknown weakness once more

I walked up to Evanna's side at the dining room doors. She held a confident stance and a proud gaze. I smirked and copied her actions.

"Shall we?"

"We shall."


The entire dinner seemed like a battle of confidence. We stood straight in our seats, and our manners were at top level. We did nothing the whole time but carefully examine the other.

Seeing that neither of us would crack just by staring at each other, I made my move.

"What was your mother's name before she was married?"

"Williea Rey Lorinne. Why?"
She took a sip of her drink

"Do you even wonder what happened to her after you fled?"

Evanna slammed the cup down.
Got her.

"What do you know?" She snapped

I chuckled.

"The second I heard your middle name, I thought of her. We had just mad a deal a week before you caught my attention. She introduced herself as Williea Lorinne Mills."

Evanna's grip on her cup tightened.

"And why is that?"

"She must have remarried."

"But... what deal were you two making?"

"It's a long story..."

"Tell me."

"Lets go back...
Lady Williea Lorinne Mills, third wife of Lord Edmund Reilly Mills. Mother of Rochelle and Billiam Lorinne, Herman Mills, and the forgotten Evanna Evans."

"I have ... half-siblings... o-oh my god..."

The girl looked as if one puff of air could just bring her to tears. I decided to do much more then let out a puff of air; I pushed her on.

"Yes. Herman Mills is the child of Edmund. However, Rochelle and Billiam are twins she had out of wedlock. A shame, really. Your mother had to rid of them somehow, so, she turned to giving them off as servants here-"

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