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"Hey, Kitty! How was your first half of the day?" Reagan said before she took a huge bite into her sandwich.
I shrugged. "Uneventful."
"Really? Well, I don't believe you coz Kimbitchy is coming our way."
Sure enough, Kimberly was headed in our direction and even a blind person would be able to tell she was looking straight at me.
"Cathryn, please, do you really think you're pretty?" Kimberly sneered.
Reagan and I looked at each other in confusion.
"Oh, you're really gonna play dumb? Seriously, you should know that you can never be good enough for Luke. He's way out of your league."
I learnt long ago not to take her words seriously, but this hit me hard. Reagan, being the best friend she is, noticed and retorted, "Excuse me? If that's how you always speak then you're way out of his league."
"Stay out of this, black girl," Kimberly snapped. Reagan blinked. The one thing that Reagan hated the most was comments about her skin colour.
"Never insult my friend, princess. Now go back to your table of worthless rats," I exploded.
Kimberly glared at me. "This isn't over, book freak."
And with that she stalked back to her table.
"Thanks, Kitty," Reagan said but she still sounded hurt.
"Hey, don't worry about her. Her head is full of dirt, she doesn't know what she's talking about."
Reagan smiled gratefully, then it dimmed.
"Is that the new guy?" She asked.
I looked in the direction she was looking. Luke, the super hot and interesting guy was walking towards... our table???

"Hi, Cathryn. Mind if I sit with you?"
Yep. My awkward shyness took over and rendered me speechless. Reagan took over.
"Of course you can, Mr new guy. You two already know each other?"
"Sort of. We had an interesting argument in English."
Reagan rolled her eyes.
"Conversing about any book can rile little Kitty here up as easy as pie."
OMG. She did not have to say that. She made me sound overly obsessive of books and arguments. Worried I'll embarrass myself even more, I hid behind my hair again. Luke had this way of looking a me, as if he was seeking my deepest, darkest secrets from deep inside my eyes. Searching for something that can reassure him that he can trust me. Suddenly, a hand tucked my hair behind my ear, exposing my face.

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