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"So, Cathryn, who was that boy you were talking with at the park?" Dad looked at me expectantly.
Mum jerked her head up and stared at me incredulously.
"A boy?"
"Yep," Dad said with a smile.
I was, obviously, blushing furiously.
"He's just the new guy at school, Luke."
"Ooh, Big Sis is in love," Justin teased whilst Blake nodded his head vigorously. Ugh, five and eleven year old brothers just don't understand.
"No, I'm not," I shot back.
"Now, now, calm down, boys. Cathryn just made a new friend, that's all."
I looked at Dad in relief, thanking him with my eyes.
"Well, Cathryn, you should invite him over one day," Mum suggested.
"Uh, sure."
Dad softened. "My little baby Cat, she's all grown up now."
"Maybe he'll be the one to break her shell."
Looking at Mum thoughtfully, I didn't say what I already knew. That he had already cracked it.

The next few weeks were just normal, going to school, learning, eating with Reagan and Luke, catching up with them often. We always argued, about why I love books, why he loves football, why Reagan loves music. Our conversation would be something like this:
Luke: why on earth do you read?
Me: why on earth do you watch rugby?
Luke: I asked first.
Reagan: by the way, I love music.
Me: Luke, I like reading the same reason why you like rugby.
Luke: coz its violent?
Me: *scoff* no, because it appeals to us in different ways. See, we are each born with different interests, and we might like something another person hates. Like, I enjoy reading because it shows me a different world, a different life, something so different to my life, I enjoy learning about it. But when -
Reagan: okay, book lover, we get it.
Luke: (smiling) I like it when you talk about books. It's cute.
Me: really? I thought you like violent stuff, like rugby.
Luke: that too.
Reagan: do I get to fight for what I love???

Today, we received an invitation to a whole Year 11 party at Kimberly's house. Although we didn't want to go to her house, we decided to go all together since all the other Year 11s would be there as well.
"Yay! We get to dress fancy!" Reagan was practically bouncing on my bed. I rolled my eyes. Tonight was the party and Reagan and I had gathered at her house to get ready.
"I'm going to lend you one of my favourite outfits, one that will make Kimberly look so inferior, she's gonna melt into a puddle of humility."
I laughed. Before I met Luke, I didn't ever wear anything apart from jeans with a sweater, but now, I felt more confident. I knew I'd rock whatever outfit she gave me. She laid the dress on her bed. It was a smooth, black dress with laced sleeves and a dip in the back. It wasn't low cut so it wouldn't look inappropriate. The dress was short, but not too short that it gave a dirty impression. It was perfect.

When we arrived at the house, we walked in and looked around. It was like a disco party, with a bit of formality to it. All the girls were wearing dresses or short skirts, so I felt right at home. Kimberly came up to us and look me up and down with disgust.
"Wow, you've got some nerve rocking up wearing a dress that totally humiliates your look."
"Piss off, Kimberly. Maybe you should worry about your own looks instead of mine," I said with a sweet smile. Reagan looked at me in surprise. I had never talked back to Kimberly like that before. Then, I caught sight of Luke, looking as handsome as ever.

I smiled as I approached him. He was wearing dark jeans and a black t-shirt, and the light reflecting off his hair made it look gold. His jaw dropped when he saw me and Reagan laughed.
"Seriously, boy, lift your chin off the floor."
"Wow, Cath, you look... amazing."
I smiled. "Not so bad yourself, mister."
He scoffed. "Not bad? You know I look great."
"I know no such thing."
"Liar, I saw it in your eyes."
"Well, you should've gone to spec savers!"
He laughed at that one. And I smiled.
"Alright, guys, I'm headed for the dance floor!" Reagan announced and without waiting for our response, she hit the dance floor and danced like her whole life depended on it.

Hi, guys!
So sorry I rushed this chapter a little. I'm trying to make it better but it's hard. This is my first time writing a story! So it's a little fast and unorganised, but I promise to try and make it better!

Thanks for reading, though :)

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