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She dipped her head again, hiding. Without thinking, I reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear. Her head jerked up and stared at me through her beautiful blue eyes.
"You tend to do that a lot. Don't hide," I said gently. She smiled shyly and looked away. Her friend pretended not to notice what just happened.
"So, new guy, what's your name?"
"The name's Luke. And your's?"
"Reagan, the super hot cellist, and the one who hates racist comments."
"Don't worry, you're not the only one."
Cathryn ate quietly, so I asked her a question.
"How did you know about me?"
She looked at me, confused.
"About what?"
"Sorry, guys," Reagan interrupted. "I've gotta go to the bathroom then my cello lesson. Nice to meet you, Luke."
"Same to you."
I looked at Cathryn. She looked at me.
I cleared my throat.
"So, how'd you know?"
"About what?"
"Before, you said that I seemed like I didn't like education before but now I wanted to change. How'd you know?"
"I took a guess. You looked like you were restraining from insulting Mr Riley."
"Well, you guessed correctly."
I smiled at her. She smiled back, then quickly hid behind her hair again. Just as I found something, she hid again.
"Why was I right?" Her voice was so quiet I almost missed it. "Why do you want to change?"
I paused. "Last year, I-"
I was suddenly cut off by a blonde bimbo, who said, "Hey, Luke, why are you hanging out with this loser?"
"Why can't I?"
Cathryn looked at me with surprise.
"Coz she's a freak who only cares for books and her image, which isn't very good anyway," the girl retorted.
Cathryn looked shocked.
"Kimberly..." she whispered.
"No. Don't talk to me, bitch."
How dare she talk to Cathryn like that?
"Kimberly, if you're here to insult my friend then I suggest you leave before you ruin your image even more."
She looked at me. "But-"
"And for the record, I would never hang out with someone like you."
With that she glared Cathryn.
"How dare you tell Luke -"
"Hey! You mess with her, you mess with me, got it?"
Kimberly turned her glare to me, but I only saw the confusion in her eyes. Then she whipped around and stalked away.

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