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I need to focus on my "adventure." I start feeling queasy. I hold onto my stomach. I'm starving. I haven't ate in what feels like 3 days. I'm getting weaker. I sit down. Everyone else is sleeping. It has been a tiring day. Red and Kassady are sleeping beside each other and Max is using the moss patch for a bed. Dan is sitting on a tree stump leaning against another tree. I'm sitting in the dirt. I look at the tape I used as bandaids. I grab them and rip them off. It hurt like hell but my scars still are pretty bad. But not as bad as they were. I put all the tape in a ball and tossed it down.

It was still dark but I was starving. I stand up and look around. Nothing. I go into the woods and look around. I'm not killing a poor innocent animal, there's too much evil to kill the good things. I squat down I see some berries. They looked like strawberries. I smelled them and they smelled like strawberries. I grabbed a bunch and made my shirt into a basket. I carry the strawberries to where everyone was. They were all up. "Breakfast guys!" I said they stood up and grabbed some strawberries. I ate the rest. It was strawberries. I'm glad I got energized, cause I'm pretty sure the next thing I encounter is not gonna be nice and sweet

Hey guys it's Hailey! I hope you've enjoyed my story so far it proudest story I've made so far so thanks y'all

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