Chapter 1

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"N-n-no! I don't w-want to go to s-sc-school!" Killian shouted at his older brother, inwardly cursing his stutter.

"You have no choice, brother. I know you don't like it. But, if some kids give you a hard time, punch them in the face. I won't get mad." Liam glanced at Killian and punched his shoulder. Killian crossed his arms over his chest, and moved his glasses back into place. "I won't be home when you get off the bus, but someone will be at the house waiting for you. Her name is Emma Swan. She will be watching over you and keeping you company while I'm gone. You may even see her during the day, or on the bus ride back home, but she's very nice and is very eager to meet you."

"H-How-How'd you m-meet?"

"She came into the library one day. I'm surprised you haven't met her first."

Killian clutched his backpack to his chest. "W-what if she d-d-doesn't like me?"

"She'll love you, brother." Liam pulled up to the front of the school where other kids were going in. "Have a good day, and remember, don't be afraid to punch someone." He ruffled Killian's hair and watched him go into the building.

Killian and Liam were living by themselves. Liam was twenty-six and Killian was eighteen. They had been alone after their father left mysteriously in the night. But, they were doing fine. Liam worked a full time job at the library and Killian helped out at Granny's diner as much as he could.

Killian had formed the stuttering after their father left. Kids would tease him at school, saying that he was retarded and that it was all put on for show. This sent Killian into a depression, and Liam had found his little brother many times in the bathroom with a blade in his hand, or trying to gulp down his antidepressants. He felt bad for him. And it didn't help that he was hardly ever home, too busy trying to sustain their lives, leaving Killian all alone in their house. So, when Liam met Emma Swan, he asked her if she wanted to make some extra money babysitting. He explained his little brother's problems, and she was eager to help. He had never seen her around before, meaning that she was probably new in town. She was seventeen years old, turning eighteen in October.

Liam drove off after seeing that Killian was safely inside the school, and he hoped that the other teenagers would be easy on his little brother today.


Killian walked into the school and sat at the table he always sat in. He had two friends. David Nolan and Robin Lockesly. David was on the football team and Robin was in archery class. They had always been by Killian's side, even before the stuttering started. But, Killian never let them know that he was suicidal. He was ashamed already that Liam knew. He had seen so much pity, and adding what he had tried countless times to do to the mix wasn't very smart.

"Excuse me?" A shy voice asked from behind him. He spun around and looked at the girl in front of him, and he could swear that his eyes bulged out of his head. "Are you Killian Jones?" He nodded his head at the blonde. She wore a blue jean jacket and a red shirt, and blue jeans and black boots. "I'm Emma. Has your brother told you about me?" Once again, Killian nodded. He didn't want to embarrass himself with his bloody stutter, even though she already knew about it. "Well, Killian, I'm new in town. Do you think you can show me where the office is?" He stood up and swung his bag over his shoulder.

"F-follow m-me." He could feel his ears burning red with embarrassment. It certainly didn't help that the lass laughed.

"Your stutter is cute."

He turned his head and looked over at her, and she had a smile on her face. It brought one to his too. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Thanks?"

They walked for a little bit in a comfortable silence until they got to the office. "H-h-here's th-the office." He stuttered.

"Wait for me? I don't want to get lost on the way back to the cafeteria." She asked. Killian nodded and she went inside.

He stood in the hallway with his hands jammed in his pockets. There was a group of heavy footsteps and he looked up. The group of football players walked by, but he didn't see David in the mix. It was also surprising that they weren't harassing him. Maybe they were just too busy talking about tonight's game to notice the geek standing against the wall.

Emma came out of the office with a paper in her hand that he assumed was her schedule. "C-can I see?" He asked, looking up into her shockingly green eyes. She nodded and handed him the paper, comparing it to his own that he had memorized since the beginning of the year. "We ha-have the s-same cl-classes."

"Now I won't be alone." She smiled. They continued walking back to the cafeteria. Killian was taller than she was, but only by a few inches. "So, I guess I get to come by your house after school."

"Y-y-you don't have t-to. I-I'll tell L-Liam that you c-came b-by, and you w-won't h-have to w-worry about it."

"I want to come over, Killian. I need some friends."

"Y-you don't want to b-be f-f-friends with me."

"Why? Because of your stutter? If anyone says anything about it, just punch them. Most kids in high school are assholes anyway. Believe me, I know."

"W-what'd th-th-they do to you?"

Emma looked down to the ground and tensed up. "Too many things to list off." The bell rang and they glanced up. "Cmon, we have to get to class before we're late."

New story! (Obviously) I am super excited for this. I hope you like it!

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