Shes in love

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Two months later
I was out and about so I wasn't in the session today but I have noticed a change in mood. Joker behaves most the time and Harleens been in a joyous mode about eighty precent of the time. Today was no different, I was walking in they where leaned in a little close but moved further apart I took note. "Sorry I have orders to return the joker to his cell." I said waking to the joker.
"Okay we will continue tomorrow." Harls said smiling.
"I look forward to it Harley." He said as I pulled him up. I lead him down the hall before shoving him into the empty hall that had his hall rounding the corner with no cameras shoving his back against a wall.
"Ooh someone likes to make the first move."
"Shut up." I growled. "I don't know what's your planing but you need to back the hell off. You hurt her I'll end you." I growled.
"Any one ever tell ya your to smart for your own good doll."
"No I'm to smart for your chaos." I said as I began shoving him him cell. I took off his straight jacket walking out he began to laugh.  I walked off to my own office slamming the door shut I grabbed the flask from my desk and took a swing of whiskey.  I can't believe it she's in love with the fucking joker. Of all people why him. She is so smart and pretty she could have any man that would love and cherish her treat her like a queen but she's in love with a clown. A killer clown. I drank all the flask. There was a knock on my door hid the flask quickly.
"Come in." I said straightening up. Harleen walked in.
"Oh it's just you I thought it was someone important." I said smirking.
"How was the session?" I asked her.
"It was really well. I think we are starting to get some were."
"That's really good. I won't be with you tomorrow have to train a new guard. Poor kid he will be scared shitless." I said. 
"Well I hope not."
"He's going to be with me I'm in charge of joker remember."I stated.
"Oh that's right well he's been better maybe it won't be so bad." She tried to reason.
"Still the joker give grown men the willies he's going to be frightened either way. I just hope I don't have to break his noes if try's something." I say hope mockingly as I got a piece of gum to hide the sent of alcohol. She seemed a little nervous by me which is odd she always felt safe around me. "Every thing alright?" I asked.
"Umm yeah, yeah totally." She said nervously.
"You know you can tell me anything just know that.

Harley's POV during session
I had just sat down and Amy brought in mista' J before leaving she's been out a lot but I don't care it gave me and J some privacy. I felt really happy as I reached into my pocket.
"Dr. Quinzel I live for these moments with you. What do ya got?" He said in his deep voice from his place.
"I gotcha a kitty."
"How thought full." We leaned in I don't know what was really going on till I felt his lips on mine it was a blissful feeling I pulled back brushing a stray hair back. "There is something you can do for me Doctor." He said.
"Anything I mean yeah."
"I need a machine gun." He said lips twitching up wards slightly.
"A machine gun?" I said unsure. He just laughed lightly.
"You can do that for me right doc." I nodded slowly I could get it off of Amy but I'll have to be sneaky and not get caught by her. The door opened and I leaned back in my seat as did Joker.
"Sorry I have orders to take him back to his cell." She said not sounding so as she pulled him to his feet taking him out the hall. I sighed gathering my things up I went back to my office quietly. Tomorrow I was going to do something crazy and I have to make sure Amy doesn't find out she's kill mista J in a heart beat.

A/N sorry short chapter but it's leading up to some thing big and a whole lot of crazy.

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