Tattoos and cage fights

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I woke up around six with a pounding head. I groaned. I walked to the closet pulling on a pair of shorts sneakers  a razor back tank top and tossed my hair into a messy bun. I then walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I brewed some strong coffee that helped with my amazing hangover. I then grabbed a few things to make some pancakes luckily he had all the stuff I was flipping pancakes when I heard the shuffle of threes sets of feet walk in.
"Amy how long..." Harley started sleepily.
"6." I said abruptly.
"Always up early."
"Yeah. Foods ready." I said grabbing plates. Harley and Joker where only half dressed causing my to make a disgusted face. Where sat down eating quietly when Harls spoke up.
"What are we doing today mista J?" She asked.
"I was going to get another tattoo today doll."
"Can I get one??" She asked bating her yes I almost vomited.
"What the hell I tried to get you to get a tat with me two months ago!" I exclaimed.
"That was different Amy."
"What ever." I said rolling my eyes.
"So Amy likes tattoos?" Joker said from his spot.
"Yeah. I had one on my left arm." I said
"Ooh of what."
"It said stay strong just on my wrist." I said putting away my dish. "Kept it simple while being deployed." I said.
"Wanna get another one Amy?" He said with a smirk.
"I was getting on today anyways Joker." I said walking up stairs. I showered then got dresses in skinny jeans a tight blue tank top a pair of black combat boots and a black leather jacket. I tucked my pistol in the waist band and a knife in my boot.
I walked down he stairs where frost was standing.
"I didn't take you as a tattoo girl." He said.
"There's a lot about me you don't know."
"I bet." I heard the sound of boots coming down the stairs. I look over my shoulder to see joker.
"The cars around front boss." He said standing. Straighter I just leaned against the wall arms crossed.
"Good." Soon Harley came down the stairs in booty shorts a crop top and high heel boots. He hair was curled and I noticed the tips died pink and blue.
"Come on let's go." She said walking out the door Joker eyed my sisters ass. I smacked the back of his head.
"You need to learn not to be so hostile."
"Don't stare at her like a piece of meat. Now come on let's go." I said walking out the door. I was about to jump on my bike when I heard a whistle.
"What!!" I shouted.
"Get in the car doll." There was a black sports car with a back seat. He held the door open waiting on me. I walked over getting in.
"Don't kill us would ya." I said claiming in the back. He tore out the drive and was pushing 80 the whole way there. I just looked at my phone I didn't want to see us die. We came to stop in front of the shop.
"We're alive. " I said jumping out.
"Oh come on it wasn't that bad doll."
"I will shoot you in the foot it was bad."
"Ah come on Amy."
"Y'all are crazy." I said walking in.
"Amy?" I heard a familiar voice.
"James?" I asked seeing my old high school friend.
"Damn you've changed since high school."
"You too I see you became a tat artist your dream job."
"Yeah heard you joined the military after you got kicked out for fighting Max Mason."
"Hey that kid was a dick head."
"Yeah and the principles son."
"Doesn't change the fact he was a dick." I said.
"So getting a tat."
"Hell yeah."
"Your just in luck the Jokers my best costumer its on the house."
"You rock." I said.
"What we getting to day J?" He asked as joker say in his seat.
"This." he said showing a picture I could see on his phone.
"Alright. You going to the back ally cage fight tonight?"
"Don't have a fighter." He said James looked at me with a smirk.
"James don't even..." I didn't get to finish when he spoke.
"Ya know J Amy is a pretty damn good fighter was boxing champion three year in a row in high school. I bet she'd win you the fight to night."
"I'm going to kick your ass."
"I know."
"So Amy what do ya say?" Joker asked with a wild smile.
"Amy please I never got to see ya box in high school!" Harley begged with puppy eyes. "Please?"
"Ugh! Fine." I said tossing my head back in defeat.
"Yay!!" She cheered. J got up showing her the tat. I glanced seeing it was her initials. Next she sat in the chair holding jokers hand as she got a tat on her leg. It was the word puddin I wanted to gag. That was till it was my turn. I sat in the chair after taking off my jacket.
"Now that's badass. So what are ya getting?" I grabbed my phone showing him the picture.

Amelia Quinzel Where stories live. Discover now