Witches are Bitches

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We reached the entrance to the subway I was reloading my guns and checking my knifes. I placed them back in here spots straightening my hair out. Digger was leaned against the wall next to me looking over his boomerangs.  I saw Katana talking to her sword. I smiled sadly.
"The man that killed her husband used that sword. She talks to him all the time." Rick said.
"You know what they say about the crazy ones." Digger said.
"Huh??" Harley asked after loading her gun a popping her gum. I grinned at her. Rick explained his plan as KC went with the divers. As we entered the subway. There was bullet shells on the ground. And blast in the beams and walls. Ahead of me flag and Floyd where talking. Once the finished I marched up to him.
"Yes Amy?" He asked keep at arms length so I couldn't get a hold of him.
"After this you owe me. Cause if I have to pull your ass out of this I will but you better not take it for grant this time."
"We make it out alive Amy ill make sure you get that trip around the world you've always wanted. I'm sorry. Okay I screwed up and if it wasn't for you I'd be dead. I took your friendship for grant. And I kick my self everyday for putting you through that just so you know now lets go beat this thing." He said sincerely. I grinned punching his arm.
"Good. I want first class got it. Like I've always said witches are bitches. " we moved  further into the subway till we came to where the witch is we put our backs against the pillars.
"We should garb a beer after this sometime." Digger said leaned against the same one as me.
"Everyone's seeing this triply magic stuff right?" Harley asked looking at it.
"Yeah. Why?" Rick stated.
"I'm off my meds." She said. We all looked at her standing on a stage of sorts. Before ducking back around.
"So that's your old lady, huh?"
"Well, you need to handle this shit. All right? Get up there, smack on her ass, tell her knock this shit off." Floyd said pointing at Flag.
"I don't think that'd be wise."
"I've been waiting for you all night. Step out of the shadows. I won't bite."
"Bullshit." I mumbled.
"Huh." Harley starts walking.
"Harley!" I whisper yell.
"What the hell? Grab her!" Flag said agitated. As Deadshot grabs her quickly.
"Why are you here? Because the soldier lead you? And all for Waller. Why do you serve those who cage you? I am your ally. And I know what you want. Exactly what you want." She tried to pry her way into my head but I fought off. I've been told I have a strong mantle ability that most don't have. Weird right?
"He married me." Harley said in a dazed state.
"I killed the bat." Floyd said in the same tone.
"It's not real."
"He's right it's not really." We marched out to face the bitch.
"How long have you been able to see?"
"My whole life. You can't have them these are my people right here."
"But its is our time. The magic is raising. The meta humans are a sign of change."
"Lady you are evil!!" Floyd shouts. She said some thing I couldn't understand as her brother comes out.
"Oh shit!!" I say.
"What is this?!" Digger says
"We should run." Floyd said. I open fire till I retreat behind a chunk of stone.
"Flag tell the boys to hurry the he'll up!!"  I shouted jumping up and shooting the hell out of it before in launched me me back wards.

Time skip: after the battle.
Rick looked at June's dead body. Part of me hurt to see him that way.
"I'm sorry." I said grabbing his shoulder. That's when it happened she moved.
"Rick?!" I said raising my gun in concern. He turned around as June emerged from the muck. I smiled a little. After hugging her to death and a silent cry.
"I got a sewer to crawl back into." KC said
"I got businesses back in Gotham." Floyd said.
"I'm going to hot wire a car you coming." Harley chirped.
"Your ass is not driving."  Floyd said.  Harley frowned.
"Why not?"
"I've got places to be and things to see." I said with a smile grabbing diggers hand. That's when Waller emerged from out of no where.
"How are you not dead?" Floyd asked shoving a hand in her direction as she held up her phone with everyone's faces on it I growled standing in next to my sister protectively with my hand ready to draw my gun.
"We just saved the world a thank you would be nice." Harley stated.
"Thank you." Waller said reluctant.
"Your welcome." I remarked sarcastically.
"So we did all this and we don't get shit."
"Ten years off your prison sentences." She replied. Digger laughed a little while I scoffed crossing my arms.
"No that's not enough I'm seeing my daughter."
She looked down then back at him. I glared at her.
"That can be arranged. Any other request?"
"Oh an espresso machine." Harley said.
"BET." KC said in low growl like tone.
"I want Griggs job and my salary raised. Cause I know I'm not going to get what I really want from you."
"Ten years off a triple life sentence. Darlin I'm walkin out of here a freeman and we're going to start having some real fun." Digger said swaggering up to here.
"Harkness!" I warned.
"Why don't we have some fun."

I went with Rick when he took Floyd to see his Daughter. We stood in the hall way as he helped her with math homework. I smiled watching them it made me happy. There was pounding on the door Rick went and unlocked it as some police entered with shackles to take him away. They just about walked up to him when I slammed my arm out to stop them with a deadly glare. Flag moved forward to them. Clearing his throat. "it's time." He looked heart broken to tell him that. And Floyd was sad that it was time for him to go already. He hugged her tightly still whispering to her I smiled as tears stung my eyes. Under all my badass and rock hard shell I do have a heart and I do care and it was sad to see him have to say goodbye to his daughter again.
"Hey Flag head to the car I'll be down in a minute."
"Okay don't do anything you shouldn't."
"Where's the fun in that?" I shot back as he left.
After they broke apart I walked over to her and kneeled next to her.
"Hey Zoey, I'm Amy." I said extend my flesh hand. Hesitantly she shook it.
"Are you a friend of my dad?"
"Yeah. I am. Listen I work where your dad is."
"Can you keep a secret?" I asked lowering my voice.
"Well I know you write to your dad everyday and I'm going to make sure he gets them. But I'm also going to make sure he can write back. I not suppose to do that. So you can't tell anyone that he writes you back okay not even your mom." I said with a smile.
"You'd do that for my dad."
"Yep." I said. "Oh here." I pulled out a years worth of stamps and a P.O. Box address.
"Send your letters here I'll go everyday to get and send them." I said smiling.
"Thank you." Unexpectedly she hugged me. I slowly hugged her back as she cried.
"No problem kid. Hey I got to go. Oh one more thing. This is my phone number. If you ever want to talk to someone or know how he's doing give me a call. Remover don't tell anyone. I'll be in deep crap if they find out." I said walking out to the car with a smile.
"What did you do?" Flag asked pulling away from the curb.
"Absolutely nothing." I said looking forward with a smile.
"Yeah and pigs fly." He said. We continued the drive never mentioning what happened between me and Zoey.

Amelia Quinzel Where stories live. Discover now