New Home

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After the chemical bath the three of us where head to what I guessed was his place. It was massive for a criminals house and very modern.

Once we pulled up I got off my bike letting out a whistle

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Once we pulled up I got off my bike letting out a whistle.
"Damn this is nice!" I said as we walked further I could see a swimming pool that had a purple glow to it from the light.
"Home sweet home doll faces!" The Joker exclaimed. I glared at him for calling me doll. I am not a doll I am not his doll. He just grinned a goofy ass grin and walk on into the house.
"I'd assume you are both so tiered so I'll show you to your rooms." He said calmly something that should be scary from him. Before we could walk up the masterful stairway a man came up to him about 5'8 or so scruffy face dark hair clean cut suit came up to joker.
"Boss who are they?"
"These two lovely dolls are our new friends." He says wrapping one arm around my shoulders and the other around Harley's.
"I am not your friend consider me your enemy. You know what they say keep your friends closer and your enemies closer. " I said removing his arm from my shoulder.
"Your just a bucket of joy aren't you Amy." Joker said smiling.
"Frost do you mind showing Amy to her room." He said taking off to I guess his room with my sister. I burned holes in the back of his head as he walked away with her. I made a gun with my hand aiming it at him.
"Bang!" I said lowly.
"Your not like other people." Frost said I grinned.
"Whys that?" I asked looking back at him.
"I've seen him scare grown men shitless. You have no fear of him."
"I don't fear him because my wort fear was never a man. It was not coming home alive from over seas." I said.
"Your a war vet."
"Yes. Now I don't know what I am. A criminal?"
"Depends on how you look at it." He said. "I'll show you around." He said walking off down the hall. I fallowed him down the hall we take a left turn through a set of double doors. I looked around seeing it was a gym.
"This is the gym you can use it any time you please." I looked around at all the brand new equipment.
"This is nice." I say as we walked back out past a door that's said keep out. I assume that's the jokers office. Next we came back to the main part of the house them to the left we walked into the kitchen.
"Here's the kitchen. The glass cabinet is full of every liqueur you could want and there's food in here somewhere as long as the other men haven't raided it." We walked out and past the living area then up the stairs. "The door at the end of the hall on the right is Mr. J's. I'm the second to last door on the left. And your right here next to my room." He said as he opened the door to my room. It was very large with a king size bed and balcony. The room had dark wood floors. The walls where soft white the contrasted with the dark navy blue wall behind the bed. There was a decent walk in closet along with a connecting bath. But I noticed another door in the bathroom.
"What's this other door for?" I asked.
"We share this bath it connects to my room."
"Oh that's different..." I said Looking at the fairly nice bath big shower two separate sinks lots of space black marble tiles on the floor the walls where white marble the counters where a black as well with silver faucets and handles.
"I can tall your good. Good night Amy." He said walking out. I walked to the dresser in the room looking for something to sleep in I found some booty shorts and a skimpy tank top there was also a knee length silk black robe. Well at least he knows how to make sure your comfortable. I climbed into the bed and tried to sleep. I tossed and turned but was still wide awake. I groaned rolling out of bed I pulled on the robe and walked down the stairs. I hen walked into the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. Grabbing a small glass I filled it with the strong smelling liquid. I took a long drink from it before setting it back down thinking about what the hell I've done.
"Couldn't sleep?" I heard Frost say from behind me.
"Would you if your sister jumped in a vat of chemicals and fell in love with a killer clown?" I asked him turning around.
"You have a point."
"Why couldn't you sleep?" I asked.
"Not tiered." He said grabbing him self a glass and filling it. Standing next to him now I realize how tall he really is he closer to 5'11 or so then 5'8.
"How long did you serve?"
"Seven years. I was kicked out of high school for fighting the principles kid but in my defense he was being a dick. I was in training for a year the spent the next six over seas coming home to visit once in a while it was hard on my sister me being gone all the time but she got into college got her dream job. Now she's thrown that all way to being with him."
"That had to be hard on both of you."
"It was. How'd you end up here?"
"When the joker first became well the joker my parents had just been killed. I was on the streets trying to get work couldn't even get boxing gigs. I was trained and seasoned in boxing. That's when the joker came along looking for some one to be his right hand. Pulled me off the streets now this is the only thing I know."
"Things happen for a reason I guess." We talked for a couple more hours before going to bed. I enjoyed his company and think we would become good friends.

Amelia Quinzel Where stories live. Discover now