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I was in my cell doing one armed push ups because they took my arm because I beat the piss out of Griggs the alpha guard King of dickheads. Let's just say they thought it would be funny to make me watch them feed my sister like an animal. I broke loss knocked out the guards and almost killed Griggs. So now I'm working on my right side and my friend next door likes to beat up the punching bag on the wall next to me.
"Yo Amy you good in there you haven't said anything?"
"I'm good you?" I asked standing up
"I'm fine."  He said.
"I hate this place. I hope my sisters phyco boyfriend breaks us out soon." I said as I began to do sit ups.
"Yeah well till then doll face where stuck in this hell hole with that asshole guard Griggs. "
"I hate that man." I said standing up stretching my back out.
"Chow time." I heard my favorite voice call. I walked up to the door. My little door window was opened.
"Floyd come to the door."
"Only my friends call me Floyd."
"You don't have any friends."
"Fuck off Griggs I'm his friend." I said looking out my window.
"What is this?" We asked the same time.
"It's called loaf." Griggs said. "It's got some spaghetti toenails and rat shit. Every thing a couple of grown people like you need." I snarled at him like an animal showing my teeth.
"Can I tell you a secrete."
"Yeah." I saw Griggs turn his head I smirked thought my window.
"One day somehow someway I'm going to get out of here and I'm going to rain down on you like he Holy Ghost."
"I'm with him Griggs you slimy asshole."
"You two just threatened a staff member."
"Do something about it." I challenged.
"Let's have some fun."  He said soon a bunch ad guards bursts in detaining us booth before holding us down in chairs I kicked a couple back before the baton was brought down on my stomach a couple of times.
"I'm going to kill you for this!!" I hissed in pain. I was punched in the face I felt blood fill my mouth. Floyd was taken back to his cell but Griggs stood in front of me now.
"Got any thing else to say?" He asked with pride I spat blood in his face with a smirk. The baton came into me a couple more times before he hauled me back to my cell.
"Doll face you okay?"
"I'm fine spat blood in Griggs face you?" I heard him laugh.
"I'm fine you made my day Amy."
"Good I'm turning in for tonight." I said as I laid down on the hard bed falling into a dreamless sleep. I woke up to Floyd beating the shit out of the bag again.
"You ever not hitting that bag?" I asked stretching out my limbs.
"No." I laughed lightly till I heard the sound of foot steps coming. My window was opened so I looked out as guards lined up out side Floyd's door.
"What the hells going on Griggs?" I asked.
"Something about seeing what he can do." He said walking off.
"Your so helpful." I muttered going back to my bed sitting down.
"Amy Quinn." I heard an oh so familiar voice say.
"Waller." I said turning to face her. "Let me guess task force x." I said looking at her face through my small window.
"I want you on this team."
"I'd argue but I know you'll put me on the team anyways. I don't get why you ask you just do. But I'm going to tell you what I said the first time it's a bad idea. So go gather your puppets I'll be right here." I said walking way. I heard her walk off as well.
"There's more your out I'll forget about your little rebellion. You'll lead this team along side Flag. After that your free. You wanted out from day one here's your chance."
"Deal. But I want complete control over my sister while she's here oh and my arm."
"Done. Your out once I get you cleared."
"Good." I said turning away once more as she walked off.

It had been an hour when I heard Floyd's door open again.
"So what happened?" I asked him.
"Cheerleader try outs." He said causing me to laugh.
"Tell me about it. You know you have no choice right??"
"I figured. They don't care. "
"No they don't." I couldn't wait to get out of her sadly my new friend and Harley can't. But I'll make sure to kick Griggs ass for them.

Amelia Quinzel Where stories live. Discover now