Jokers girls

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A/N: this is the joker and Harley scene at the club from the movie but I'm going to tweek it just a bit.

We have been living with the Joker for a while and it's only made Harley crazier and me a little less sane but not crazy. Tonight Joker had business at the club these where nights I enjoyed. I was his left hand so me and Frost stayed with Joker while Harley was dancing. I tell you she can shake her ass she's never been brave enough to do so till now. Right now I was getting ready hope fully batman and robin don't show. They always cause a problem mostly because I have keep them from getting their hands on Harley. I was curling my hair to finish my outfit that showed off my tattoos. Turning off the iron I walked down the stairs. I had to leave a bit early with Frost so that every thing was ready when Joker got there.

"You look fine as always Amy

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"You look fine as always Amy."  Frost said as I landed on the main floor the heels on my boots clicking.
"My girls always look fine." The joker cooed from his spot against the wall. The Joker always referred to Harley and I as his girls Harley was the queen he was king and I was the dragon that protected he queen. The joker feared me for a reason I wouldn't hesitate to kill him. It's a well know fact to the city of Gotham. Me and him have went toe to two a couple of times once leading to me shooting him in the shoulder twice with out blinking. I've also held him out of a tenth story window till he gave me back some very important papers. We have tried to kill each other and people know it.
"I'm not even going to argue with you this time I said straightening my shirt out.
"Let's go then. So you there boss. " about an hour later the night was in full swing as Joker and Harley arrived Harley went to dance on the stage I stayed with Joker and Frost in the VIP area. We where waiting on a man called Monster T. Joker was watching Harley dance as he came up.
"We finally meet." Monster T said sticking his hand out to the joker. I smirked from where I sat on top of the couch watching Harley and the men.
"No, he doesn't shake hands. But sit down and have a drink." Frost said as I leaned poring him and I some vodka.
"Hey J, on behalf of everybody, welcome back. I wanted to come by and personally say thank you. You making me good money. I'm making you good money." This guy is sweet talking the Joker he must be crazy.
"Are you sweet talkin' me? All'a that chitchat's gonna getcha hurt." Joker said looking at him, he leaned back a pit as Joker leaned for ward placing a hand over his mouth laughing.
"I love this guy. He's so intense!" He said looking at me with an open smile. I saw Monster T eye me up and down before he began to eye Harley. Making me glare at him but I wasn't who he needed to worry about.
"Mmm, you're a lucky man. You got some bad bitches." He said I saw the way joker looked I saw his plan so I went along it wouldn't be the first time this happened. Jokers hand shock as he got up pointing at me and Harley.
"Oh, that they are. The fire in my loins. The itch in my crotch. The ones, the only, the infamous Quinnes!" He shouted before whistling for Harley. She came sitting next to me with a wide smile.
"Ooh, come to daddy." I tried not to gag at that.
"Puddin!" She said as we moved closer to him.
"Listen, you two are my gift to this handsome hunka hunka! You two belong to him now."
"Well..." Me and Harley say she barks and laughs at him I just smile humming as we sit in his lap together.
"You're cute!" I say
"You want us!" Harley say
"We're all yours." I say with a suductive tone. I could tell he was enjoying him self he castes a glance to Joker. He got nervous.
"I don't want no beef." He said pushing us away slightly Harley frowned.
"Why, what's wrong?"I said acting mad. "You don't like us? Fine! Don't waste our time then." Harley spat as we moved behind Joker smirking the guy kinda did this to himself.
"You don't want no beef?" Joker said mocking him. "Don't want no beef? Don't want no beef?"
"Those our your lady's J."
"That's right!" Joker said before shooting him.  We where heading out the club when robin got in front of me.
"Ah come on where just having fun!" I said moving to him. "Where's batman I know he wouldn't miss is for the world?" I asked in mockery. "Is he off sulking?" I asked.
"You need to back off and give up." He said sternly. I heard joker and Harley laugh. I stepped closer to him making him nervous.
"You two go I got him." I said the jumped in the car tearing out. Robin tried to get them but I stopped him.
"Oh come play with me."
"You're better then this you good."
"I know why do you think I've stayed out of the chaos."
"Give up you can be better then them."
"So what you can take Harley into Arkham. I know that place they don't help any one. I could care less about the joker."
"Then why do you stay."
"Because he fears me." I said. "I have leverage over him and it scares him. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."  I said closing the gap.
"Come on make a move. "
"You have a fear to what is it?" He asked
"Now why would I tell you that." I said
"Distraction." He kneed me in the stomach. I swung at him landing the punch in his face.  We bantered back and forth that's went I felt the prick of a meddle in my side.
"Ouch." I hissed grabbing a dart from my side. I looked at robin. But it wasn't him I turned my head to see the bat. I was stumbling around as things became fuzzy I fell into robins chest Theresa is a blur that I don't really remember much of ad
Side from having my mug shot taken and then hearing that me and my sister will be transported to a place called Bell Rave.

Amelia Quinzel Where stories live. Discover now