Percy Jackson Truth or Dare

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Hey! Im writing another book. Its called The Life of a Halfblood. Enjoy!!
I walked up to Percy. "Hey. Do you wanna do something???" I asked him. "Uh, in kinda busy. We could meet at 3 though." He said, obviously annoyed. I dont know why, but not many people enjoy the pleasure of my company. But thats not the point. I have a plan. "K. Can i invite a couple of friends like Annabeth and Thalia?" I asked. "Sure. Why not? why not just make it a party?" Be said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Ok. Bye! see you at three!!!" i answered. Then, i posted on my PRIVATE facebook 'Hey everyone!! Party at the Poseidon cabin!! It starts at three oclock!' There were 357 Likes. Yes. Im loved. I know.
3 hours later...
We were all crowded around the poseidon door. "WHAT IS SO MANY PEOPLE DOING AT MY CABIN DOOR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I heard someone yell. I sorta knew who it was in the first place. Teehee. "LEO!!!!!!" Percy shouted. I walked over to him. "Yessssssssssssss????" i asked and batted my eyelashes innocently. "I said a FEW people. Not an entire PARTY!!!! There must be at least 50 people here!!" His face was red with rage. "1st of all, there is 437 people and 2nd of all these are only a few of my friends!! Not even a 15th!!!" I may have exaggerated a bit. "Well you can keep Reyna Annabeth Hazel Frank Jason Piper katie connor and travis stoll and, sadly, you can stay too. Now tell all your little friends to go home." Percy told me. "Ok. HEY EVERYONE!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "EVERYONE EXCEPT REYNA ANNABETH HAZEL FRANK JASON AND PIPER GO HOME!!!!" "AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!" yelled everyone. "Ya ya now go home." I said back. We git into the cabin and i announced what w were gonna do. "Ok everyone. Its time... drumrole please... for a game of TRUTH OR DARE!!! Dun da da dunnnnnn!!!"

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