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Heyyy evryone!! So like im writing another story and plz read it!! Its called the Life of a Halfbood.

Annabeth: should i be feeling scared right now?

Me: um nooo... MOOHAHAHAHAHA

Annabeth: ummmmm...



I woke up to a ding on my Phone. I checked it to see that Leo updated his status. 'Party at the Poseidon cabin! Starts at three oclock!' it read. I might as well go... I thought to myself. Yeah. Why not. I made it there just in time. There was at least 50 people there. I heard Leo and Percy yelling at eachother. "Leos just mad that percy has a girlfriend an he doesnt." I whispered to myself. I walked over to see what was happening. Leos hair was on fire and percy practically had water coming out of his ears. Oh gods. I attempted to walk up to them, but leo stormed of and shouted at the top of his lungs ""EVERYONE EXCEPT REYNA ANNABETH HAZEL FRANK JASON AND PIPER GO HOME!!!!" "AWWWWWW!" Everyone yelled back. Once everyone left, we walked into cabin three. "Ok everyone. We are going to play-drumroll please- TRUTH OR DARE!! Dun dun dun da!!" he told us. My mouth hung open in the shape of a circle. "Annabeth honey close your mouth you'll catch flies." Piper said to me. Omgs i was going to die. The last time i played this i was a complete mess. Nope. No way am i playing this with these people. Thats when nico and thalia walked. "Hey! look who joined the party. Its ol death breath and thals. Welcome! were just starting a new game of TRUTH OR DARE!" leo yelled. "I know. We could here you from across camp. Everyone heard you actually." Thalia answered. "Sit down. Lets start." Percy said. Thalia sat down next to me and nico sat by Jason. "Looks like im starting this so... Annabeth. Truth or dare. "Dare." I answered. I wasnt a wimp. Even with leo. "Ummm i dare you to act stupid all day." He looked please. "Just you wait, valdez. Just you wait." I answered, teeth clenched. He had a big toothy smile. "Annabeth, what is shoplifting?" Nico asked me. "Its when you lift a shop. Duh." I answered. I was going to crush leo. Even percy was snickering. I punched him. Hard. "Ok. Nico. Truth or dare." I said. "Truth." He answered. I knew it. Im so smart. "If you had to date one person in this room, who would it be?" i said. "Um.." his cheeks were bright red. "Thalia." he muttered under his breath. "What did you say?" i asked. I was laughing. "Thalia." He mumble. "We still cant here you!" i said. "THALIA!" he screamed. And he ran off. Maybe i shouldnt have been so mean. There was tears in his eyes. Thalia wlaked after him.


Awwww! Did you see that! We were creating love with a game of truth or dare! THALICO!!

Percy: you hurt my girlfriend.

Annabeth: your playing matchmaker.

Nico: i just burst out my feelings in front of the entire world. You made me. Im the son of hades, god of death. Good luck.

Me: *runs from nico*


Me: everyone, im the author, i make the book. You will die of horrible dares and embarrassment.

Everyone: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


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