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Later that day..

The girls were driving me home, and I couldn't help to think about Lauren.

The green leaves reminded me about her captivating eyes. Oh how I couldn't get her off my mind.

Until I saw Troy's car in the driveway.

"Hey, Ally, look! Troy's home." Dinah said as she parked on the curb of my house.

"Oh, um, that's great." I tried sounding cheerful, but it's never a good sign that Troy is home before I am.

"Thanks for the ride, guys! Love you two." I said as I shut the car door.

I reached the top of the stairs and unlocked the door.

"Troy, Are you home?" I yelled up the stairs, but there was no answer.

I gradually made my way upstairs and went straight to our room, but the door was locked. I pulled out the spare key from the drawer that's down the hall and paced back to open the door.

Once I unlocked the door I saw Troy on the bed sleeping on his side covered up with his blanket almost over his head.

I walked over and placed my bag at the end of the bed and laid it down quietly. I took the covers of him, but what I saw was more than surprising.

"Troy, what is that on your neck? Are you really doing this? I come home everyday doing your laundry, paying for this house on a low budget, and this is how you repay me? With your late night trips and going out of town?"

I just couldn't believe it. I knew he didn't love me, I don't know why I was so angry and upset. I shouldn't be surprised.
I wish he cared about me, I wish someone did.

He quickly got up from the bed and pushed me against the wall hard while he yelled at me. "This is none of your business, Ally. You can't just barge in here like that, you hear me! I will hurt you again and you know damn well no one will believe your fatass. You're useless, remember."

And by then, he hit me. His arm stretched high and rapidly hit my face. I fell to the ground and hit my head. He kicked my side. He aimed for my back and ribs.

My body went cold, I felt like I couldn't move a single muscle. It's not the first time he's done this. It just hurts so much. I just want someone who will love me, care for me. It's all I ask.

"Next time mind your own god damn business, Ally."

He cracked his knuckles harshly and once again went back to bed and covered himself up.

It was embarrassing. I'm just laying here on the floor, whimpering and feeling weak.

After few minutes, I got up. I put one hand on my knee and the other on the floor to keep balance and not tip over.

I limped over to my bag from the end of the bed and made my way to the door.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going? You can't just leave whenever you want." Troy said angrily and I felt like he was going to come up to me and hurt me once again and my body can't handle anymore bruises.

"Nowhere, Troy. I'm just going to get some, um groceries. I'll be back." I said as I quickly shut the door and made my way down the stairs carefully and slowly.

I'll just try to meet Lauren there.

Lauren's pov

I have been staring at the reflection of my phone for the past hour waiting for a message from Ally. I'm a little impatient, especially since I just met her today and expecting to go to a coffee shop with her later on.

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