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Troy's pov

"Are you sure she doesn't know? Cause it's gonna take awhile. A little longer than usual, Troy-baby."

"Trust me. What she doesn't know.. won't hurt her. She doesn't even care anyways," I scoffed, and unbuckled my belt.

"Then why don't you just leave her already? You can spend more time with me without a worry," The girl remarked. She took off a layer of clothing and tossed it on to the floor and only revealing her bra and toned stomach that made me drool.

"Do you want me to fuck you or answer these dumb questions?" I groaned. The room was silent, and all you could hear was moaning and the sound of satisfaction. No sign of guilt here.

She pointed to the clock, it was already the late afternoon but it felt like 10 minutes than spending hours on this bed with her. I let out a sigh and sat up from the side of the bed and grabbed the remainder of my clothes slowly putting them on. I felt the women's eyes gaze upon me hungrily from her side of the bed, and let out a soft moan that vibritated against my ear. Luckily, by the time her hands started traveling my body to lure me back in the covers. I slipped on my shoes and got up releasing her grip around my torso and left without looking back.

When I touched the handle of the door she called out from her room, "see you next time, Troy." I hummed in response and led myself out.

My phone vibrated in the back of my pocket and I fished it out to see that some of my friends were already waiting on me to go to a bar close by. They didn't care what time it was as long as they can get beer and watch any game they could on the flat screen TVs propped on the walls in worn out bar if they could.

Personally I wouldn't say that I am an alcoholic, but to be honest I do love the taste and the satisfaction it gives me when my lips reach the tip of the bottle; how it burns my throat after 3 non-stop chugs. It takes the stress away from reality, especially the past.

It still clings on me and I can't seem to get away from it all. Nothing gives me the same feelings I had several years ago with her, but I wasted it; I'm never in my right state of mind. "It's not my fault," I keep telling myself in order to stay cool, and not mess up, because if I do.. it's the end of me.

I reached the front of the building and pushed the door opened and the boys' attention turned to me while their hands are still latched on to their drinks waving them in the air and making spills along the way. There was 4 in total including myself sitting in the same booth. It wasn't as full as it is in the night time obviously, but that doesn't stop these guys from skipping a day of their jobs or 'girlfriends' that they claim to have to come over here and share a couple or rounds before they kicked out.

"Troy we already got you a drink over here," one of the guys spoke and handed me the drink in his spare hand. I smiled and raised the glass and said, "thanks man." The tip of the glass bottle reached my lips and I chugged the whole thing in one go.

The silence between the four of us was broken until one of the guys' phone vibrated on the table which caused as all to give him a smirk. "Who's it from, lover boy?" One slurred out while the others were 'ooo-ing' around the table.

Jake sat there in embarrassment and turned off his phone and slid it in his pockets with his cheeks flushed. "That's not even funny, guys," he whined and took another sip of his drink. The others laughed off and I caught myself thinking of the way I used to get texts from Ally..

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