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Ally's pov

6:56 am

The sun was shining through the blinds that were covering the windows. I cracked open my eyes and I looked around seeing that I wasn't in my bedroom, but in Lauren's.

My mind was gathering memories from last night, and what happened during them. The conversations we had that truly meant the world to me.

I'm reminded that I can't stay here no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't bare to leave Lauren here all alone, but it would be the end of me if Troy found out I wasn't home without his permission to go out.

I got up from the bed and rubbed my eyes and looked for a notebook and a pen to write her a little message that I'd be leaving before she wakes up and realizes that I'm gone.

Along side the wall was a long black desk with pencils and drawings scattered around, some crumpled and others stacked in neat piles. I smiled at her signatures on the bottom right corner and looked at the notebook sitting beside it. I made sure to turn to an empty page and ripped it out and picked up a pen that was scattered around and began to write.

You fell asleep

I have to go


I walked over and placed it on top top of her night stand and turned the paper over and kissed the temples on her forehead. I didn't hear anyone downstairs, it was still pretty early and I doubt anyone would be awake.

So I picked up my shoes from the side of the bed and crept over to the door. I laid my hand on the doorknob and squeezed it tightly, I looked over at Lauren who was still asleep and I took off. 

I shut the door behind me and tip toed across the floor and I paused within each step.

"The stairs, great," I whispered to myself as I took each step while the pit of my stomach turned into knots when the stairs made a creaking sound.

I bit my bottom lip as I made the two last steps and opened the front door. I put on my shoes and tied them tightly and closed the door behind me slowly.

The gush of wind blew in my face waking me up, I looked left and right to see if anyone saw me and I walked away from Lauren's house.

I'll admit I was a little crazy for sneaking out like that, but to be honest.. it was worth it.

I was shivering while I walked down the sidewalk. I was paranoid, I felt like Troy could pop out at any given moment.. Who knows what he would do to me if he found me all by myself out here. I couldn't imagine that right now, I pushed away the thoughts and focused on getting home.

"One more block until I reached my destination," I thought to myself. My phone vibrated in Lauren's soft sweater. I pulled the phone out and unlocked it.

Lauren: Hey. Did you make it home safe?

Me: I'm about a block away, but so far so good. Thank you for letting me in 💓

Lauren: I couldn't leave you out in the cold anyways but you're welcome 😊

I locked the phone and I turned the corner and saw that there was no sign of Troy. I opened the door slowly and looked around. I took off my jacket and went upstairs into our room and went straight to bed.

"I'm so tired," I said to myself trying hard to stay awake. The sun was still bright and lit up the whole room. I reached for the blanket that's been thrown to the side of the bed and covered myself with it.

My eyes focused on the ceiling just thinking about how my life would be so much better if I wasn't with Troy. I thought to myself, "Why am I in this toxic relationship? It's clearly not working. He doesn't love me at all, yet just the thought of losing someone who pays the rent, and just being dumped angers him. Whatever I do makes Troy upset."

Then, I finally fell asleep again.
11:34 am

I hear my phone vibrate and I grabbed it from the nightstand and I unlocked it to see a message from Dinah.

Dinah: Hey, girl we haven't hung out in forever! Wanna go to the movies or to the mall with Mani, Camila, and of course me 😌

Me: Like right now, and shut up 😂🤔

Dinah: Ya dawg! You can bring Troy too😋

Me: We'll see, and what particularly movie are we going to watch?

Dinah: We haven't decided, maybe you can help! HURRY!!!!!!

Me: I'll be there an hour, pick me up?

Dinah: I gotchu

I locked my phone and set it on the nightstand. I placed my hands on my stomach and my facial expression changed quickly.

Trigger Warning

I sat up right on my bed, a hand still placed on my stomach. I went to the bathroom quickly and opened the door.

I don't remember eating much.. it's not like it matters anyways, right?

I kneeled down beside the toilet, my hand holding up my hair and the other on the rim of the toilet.

I stared at the water, and I felt a burning sensation coming from my throat. I started coughing hard and my eyes began to water.

I coughed twice more, I put my fingers in my mouth to force it out more quickly.

The puke went in and there I was spitting out what was left over in my mouth.

"Gosh, that tastes disgusting," I said to myself while wiping my mouth with my arm. I hear a door slam from the other room.


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