So I re read this chapter and I have definitely realised this fan fic is rather shitty... It really crap and the characters in this story are people I now cannot stand the site of... I am going to post all the chapters I have done and forget the story like I forgot the characters! I will post the vampire diaries story when I have done this fan fic. Then maybe after the vampire one I may do another Janoskians fan fic.. I dunno. Anyway enjoy guys. xx
I woke up this morning to the boys screaming and blowing party poppers and streamers around my house. Today was Gina’s Birthday she didn’t want anything special but we the boys and I had planned to have dinner on a fancy boat and after we were going to take her to see her favourite movie in the Melbourne Drive in….. The Titanic in 3D this shall be lovely.
After getting ready dressed in Lazy Sunday clothes Gina sent us a mass text.
“Good morning my lovely’s, Thank you for all the happy birthday wishes hope you didn’t plan anything!! See you guys tonight I am out with the ladies from work for lunch today xo”
Gina is the sweetest lady. Her and I have become very close since I moved to Melbourne she is like a second mother to me. The rest of the day flew by it was time to go out to dinner. I put on one of my newest dresses and put my hair in a loose waterfall braid. Dinner was amazing the place we went to had the nicest waiters and the food was absolutely incredible. When we arrived at the drive in, it was packed. We found our seats and settled down. Luke and I cuddled up. My phone started beeping and vibrating constantly I grabbed my phone and looked to see Ariana spamming me sending numerous texts making a sentence.
After reading every message and put together what she was saying. I showed Luke the texts and made my way over to Jai. To finally tell him Ariana Grande knows who he is and loves him. I told Jai everything, everything I said to Ariana and everything she said back. The look on Jai’s face was priceless he was soo happy no matter what scene was happening in the movie he couldn’t manage to stop smiling.
“Jai” I whispered
“Yeahhhh” Jai replied
“Wanna talk to her?” I asked watching him light up even more
“I don’t know what to say. What if I make a fool of myself?” Jai replied getting very nervous
“Jai.. You are Jai Brooks the guy she like you make a fool of yourself every day and she loves you for that you will be fine” I said convincing Jai to call her.
I gave Jai my phone so he could call her he was the cutest and she was adorable they were perfect for each other. Jai stayed on the phone to her for the whole movie when the movie finished he ran back over to me jumping up and down of excitement.
“CASEYYYYYYYYYY I LOVE YOUUUUU” Jai squealed as he threw me my phone
“Umm… I Love you too but why?” I asked with an idea in my head.
“Congratulations Jai B Baby” I said looking at Jai run off to Gina and Beau telling them the news.
“FUCK ME JAMES AND I ARE THE ONLY SINGLE ONES JEEZ BETCHA HE WILL BE TAKEN SOON ASWELL” Beau screamed being serious and silly at the same time. We all went back to the Brooks house and Beau decided to make a camp fire in their yard. Gina grabbed a bag of marshmallows and ran outside after Beau. Jai walked outside with red cheeks I guess he was thinking about Ariana. Luke looked at me grabbed my hand and skipped outside to the fire.
That night we camped outside seeing as though Gina loved camping and to be honest so do I it’s fun. We all had this week off school thank god I desperately needed break thank you Penola for deciding to upgrade the schools abilities. This week Mum, Ben, Hayley, Amanda, Elise and Jamie were coming to see me they will stay for 5 days it will be like old times I will introduce the girls and Jamie to my new friends and OMG I’m just full of excitement.
“Caseyy Poo!! I miss you!! Come to the airport at 3:30 this arvo (Your time) x.” From Elise
“OKAYYYYY I MISS YOU TOO I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL x” I replied jumping with joy
The day flew by soon enough it was 2:30pm “LUUUKKEEEEEE WE GOTTA GO PICK THEM UPPPP” I squealed grabbing my keys and running outside. Luke grabbed his keys and drove his car to the airport so that we could all fit. When we arrived at the airport is was 3:25 I was soo keen to see them. 10 minutes later I saw them all coming towards Luke and I. I squeezed Luke’s hand as hard as I could. It has been around a month since I have seen them all. They are finally here.
Elise, Amanda and Jamie ran over to me dropping their bags on the way. Ben walked over to me and started to cry but happy tears he would always say. I picked Ben up and spun him around squeezing him soo tight introducing the gang to Luke. Luke drove Elise, Jamie and my Mum and I drove Ben, Amanda and Hayley back to my place. They all put their stuff into spare rooms of my house and got to know Luke a bit more.
Gina, Beau and Jai came over to meet my friends and family. Gina and my mum got on very well like old best friends and Ben got along with Jai and Luke which I found adorable. Beau loves Benny boy so he decided to take Ben to his place to play X BOX. Luke and Jamie got on very well they have a lot of interests in common. Jai got on well with Elise they both like a lot of the same stuff. They would be soo cute if they dated but Jai’s got Ariana.
After everyone got to know each other well I got time to catch up with what was happening back in Sydney and Jamie and Mariah were going very well. Luke was a bit jealous of the relationship I had with Jamie. We had the hands on type of relationship were we would muck around with each other more than normal friends would.
Elise and Wayne had broken up, Jamie and Mariah were getting stronger, Amanda and Nathan were still dating but it was kind of fading out and Jessica is in a strong relationship with Ryan.

A Fan And Her Idol (A Janoskians FanFic)
FanficWith twists, romance and a short amount of time the bond between a fan and her idol became an unbreakable love... 16 year old Casey borded a plane and left her old life behind to persue a new one.. With complications she later learns that the fresh...