
405 37 1

Saturday, November 24, 19:00 P.M

[Ellie is online]

[Daaaaaaaave is online]

[Sexy best is online]

Ellie: Okay first of all, who the hell is 'Sexy Beast'?

Daaaaaaaave: That would be Simon.

Sexy Beast: No shit Sherlock.

Ellie: Get a better catch phrase SIMON.

Sexy Beast: -.- Whats with the caps?

Daaaaaaaave: Don't question it, just go with it.

Sexy Beast: But why?


Sexy Beast: Hm, maybe the Queen of Screams would suffice better.

Ellie: -.- You have't even heard my screaming voice yet,

Sexy Beast: Does it look like I care?

Ellie: -.- I swear you're thicker than a brick, I CAN'T SEE YOU! Idiot.

Daaaaaaaave: Well, looks like the start of a wonderful friendship.

[Daaaaaaaave has logged off]

Ellie: THANKS ALOT DAVE! Just leave a girl behind, ass! What am I supposed to do now?

Sexy Beast: Ouch, that hurt, in here *points at chest*

Ellie: Damn, I wanted it to hurt where the sun doesn't shine. *glares*

Sexy Beast: *wiggles eyebrows* you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure your eyes almost fell out when you saw me, no need to injure the prized jewels.

Ellie: *covers eyes and screams* OH GOD, MY EYES, MY EYES. THEY BURN!!!!!

Sexy Beast: also, you'd be screaming your head off.

Ellie: O.O I think I lost a few brain cells just talking to you.

Sexy Beast: are you sure it's just a little?

Ellie: -.- fuck off. Anyways, bye.

[ Ellie has logged off ]

Sexy Beast: okay, bye.

[ Sexy Beast has logged off ]




P.s: this chapter was a fail. Simon isn't online,and I have no idea where the hell is he.

Ellie: thank god! He is the most sick minded person ever! And btw, none of the things he said were true. My eyes widened cause there was a chocolate fountain.

Mack: okay, that's good to know, I guess.

Ellie: yes, yes it is.

Mack: now your copying Isabella from Phineas and Ferb. I think I spelt it wrong...oh well.

Ellie: he got to you too, didn't he? DIDN'T HE?!

Mack: okay...I'm gonna end this convo here....

Caps Lock, Swearing and SassWhere stories live. Discover now