Chapter 35:I'm gonna sue you!

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Soryu P.O.V.

I faintly heard the sound of something creaking as I slowly opened my eyes.I stood up and went inside Carolyn's room,wondering if she was awake.

She wasn't there.

I dashed out the room,running down the hallway in search of her when I heard the faint sound of someone crying.

It was coming from...Eisuke's room....

I peeked through the glass and saw Carolyn hugging Eisuke's body to her as the tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

The doctor said that he might be in a coma for awhile,due to the hard hit he received on his head.

I stared at them both sadly as I continued to watch.

After awhile,I slowly turned away as I walked back to the car and started driving back to my mansion.

No matter what I do....I can't stop the feelings of the heart...

Eisuke P.O.V.


What the hell happened?

The only thing I remember is...protecting Carolyn from getting hit by that lorry...

Where am I?

I could feel some sort of heavy weight on me and I heard the sound of someone crying..was it...Carolyn?

Goddamnit wake up!

You're better than this,wake the hell up!

I tried to force my body to respond to me but it just wouldn't!

When I wake up...I'm going to sue that damn lorry driver for driving so fast when it's night time!And for getting me here and nearly hurting Carolyn in the first place!

Hey there guys!Sorry for the one day late update!I was making the picture above so it took a bit of time to edit it!The next chapter will be up on maybe Thursday or Friday.Depends how long it takes for me to write the chapter and to edit the picture!I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


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