Special:Mommy!!Daddy!!Why is this man so scary?!

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"Eito!Lily!Where are you?It's almost time to leave!"" Carolyn shouted worriedly,just as two children came running into the living room.

"M-mommy!Eito b-bully me!" her youngest child cried as Carolyn picked her up and frowned at Eito,who was pouting.

"Eito..." Carolyn threatened as the said boy gave a sigh and looked up to his mother.

"Sorry Lily,sorry mommy" Eito apologised as Lily immediately stopped crying and jumped out of her mother's grasp as she hugged her older brother.

"It's okay big brother!I love you!" Lily said happily as Eito blushed,but smiled happily as he picked her up and gave her a peck on her cheek.

"Eito,go find daddy to get ready for the party tonight.I have to dress your sister" Carolyn said as Eito gave a nod and handed Lily to Carolyn before running off to find his father.


"Daddy,what's this party about anyway?" Eito questioned his father,who was helping him with his tie as his father smirked at him.

"The most important men from all around the world will come to attend this party.I guess you could say it's a party for the rich." Eisuke answered as Eito pondered on it for a moment and smirked at him.

"It's a cover isn't it?" Eito accused as Eisuke's face turned to one of shock for a moment,which Eito did not miss, but quickly reverted back to his usually blank one.

"I have no idea what you're talking about.Anyway,be sure to be on your best behaviour tonight and look after your sister.Your mother and I will be busy greeting the guest.I've assigned Baba and Ota to look after you two so don't cause trouble for them if you can help it" Eisuke said as he did his own tie.

Who was Ota and Baba?

He was about to ask when he recalled his mother speaking about two guys,one of them being a womanising thief?And another one being an artist so he guessed it must be those two.

Eito suddenly smirked secretly.

His father said not to cause trouble if they could help it.

He never said they can't cause any trouble....


Eisuke sighed as he remembered Eito's words.They've got to be careful tonight,his son is catching up to him.

But whoever thought that he would even suggest that in the first place?!

He suddenly thought of Baba and Ota but shook the thought away.If they even mentioned it,Carolyn would murder them since she didn't want them to get involved,or even know about the auctions.

Eisuke smirked.

Then again,he could have had that thought since he is his son.


Eito and Lily sat on the bar stools boredly,with Baba and Ota on either sides of them,trying to entertain them.

"Hey Eito!Look at this magic trick!" Ota said as he made a card disappear with a quick shake of his hand.

Eito looked at him,the bored look still in his eye as he said: "the card's behind your hand,the you flicked it to the back."

Ota sighed.This was his tenth magic trick he had done for the boy tonight and he still managed to figure it out!

Honestly,Eito was like Eisuke so much sometimes that it scared him!

Meanwhile,Baba was having zero luck with Lily as he told her stories.

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