Chapter 37:Eternal Love

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Five years later

"Come on pretty lady,calm down!" Baba shouted at me and I could clearly hear the exasperation in his voice but I just couldn't.

"It's my wedding day Baba!How do you expect me to calm down?!" I shrieked as Ota rubbed soothing circles on my back.

"There there Koro..."

"Don't you get tired of calling me that?Even after five years?" I asked him as he gave me that angelic smile of his.

"Of course not Koro!Now then,be a good dog and just sit down!"

I sighed as I finally plopped myself down on the sofa while hearing Baba and Ota let out sighs of relief.The door suddenly clicked open and Mamoru stepped in,dressed in a tuxedo with the usual cigarette hanging from his mouth.

"C'mon kid,it's time"

I let out a shaky breath as I stood up and slipped my arm through Baba's as we made our way to the grand ballroom of Tres Spades.The doors clicked open as I felt my breath catch in my throat when I saw him.

My soon-to-be husband....Eisuke....

He was wearing a white tuxedo with a purple necktie as he stood by the altar,looking breathtakingly handsome.He looked like a prince from a fairytale...

I honestly can't believe that this man is going to be mine...

I forced my legs to work as Baba and I walked towards the altar,me taking shaky breaths along the way.Baba gave my hand a kiss when we reached the altar,earning an annoyed glance from Eisuke as he chuckled and let me go.

"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish. "

I smiled slightly at Eisuke as he gave me one of those rare smiles of his as we continued to listen to the priest.

"You may now speak your vows"

"Carolyn..from the moment I saw you in that cafe..well,I thought you were one hell of a woman,daring to speak up to me.And I guess that's what attracted me to you in the first place.You taught me the happiness of falling in were the first woman to make my heart skip a were the first woman who made me fought for were my everything...I promise,through rich and poor,through sickness and health that I will remain by your side as the loyal husband I shall be.And death do us part.I promise to cherish you and when we grow old,we'll look back at all the memories we'll make together starting from this day.I promise to never look at anyone but you,my angel sent from heaven in disguise.Now and forever,I love you Carolyn"

Once Eisuke finished his vows,I was already crying.Those words I never thought he would say...those loving eyes that looked at me...gods this man....

"Eisuke Ichinomiya...when we first met in the cafe,I thought of you as the most stubborn man in the world.And maybe the craziest after you left that huge sum of money just for one cup of coffee.But then after that...I worked for you....and eventually...fell in love with you.I can't imagine my life without you now,your the one and only man I'll ever need and want for the rest of my life.I feel as though this is all a dream and I'll wake up from it soon which frightens me.But you being all I'll ever need to know this is real.I promise to be the loving and caring wife you can rely on...that can brighten up your day.I promise to remain loyal to you and you only.I'm yours." I finished with a smile as he softly stroked my cheek and I swore I saw a tear slip down his face.

"You may now...kiss the bride..." I faintly heard the priest said as Eisuke tilted my chin up with his fingers like he always does and planted a soft kiss on my lips.The kiss was different from was more sweet and I can feel his love from it.

We broke apart after awhile,smiling at each other as we heard clapping and whistles,presumably from Baba as Eisuke picked me up bridal style and carried me down the aisle as I put my arms around his neck and laughed.


We went into our newly built mansion near the beach.

"Wow boss!How long did this take to build?!"

"1 year.And what are you doing here again?" Eisuke asked and I could clearly hear the annoyance in his voice.

You see,we were supposed to come alone but Baba being..well,Baba just came along with us!

"Aww come on boss!" Baba whined as Eisuke shot him a cold glare.

"Get out before I kick you out"

With a "eek!",Baba was running out the door as I laughed at him.

"Now then..."

"H-huh?!Aaahh!!" I shrieked as Eisuke pushed me down on the bed,a smirk present upon his face.

"Married people do this,don't they?" Eisuke said before capturing my lips in a kiss.

We spent the rest of the night in each other's arms.

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!It took quite some time for me to write >.<

The next chapter will be the last one!

Please comment some names on what you want Eisuke's daughter to be called!

Thank you!


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