Fumi: 5

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I groaned. My head still hurts, like I have been struck by lightning. Memories started to flow back last night. Damn it! Ty. He did this to me.

I sat up and went for the door, I don't know where I am, I am just gonna go look for that psycho Ty, and end his days. 

I kept bumping on prince and princesses but still kept going, I somehow ended up in the cafeteria and saw Jameine and Ty dating.

I ran up to him, he only had the time to look at me because I already tackled him to the ground with my arm on his neck and my dagger ready to hit his head.

"Tyllie!" Jameine shrieked.

She took my dagger-arm but I swatted her away.

"Stay out of his, Jameine! Save your sorry ass!" I yelled.

She looked terrified then I turned my attention to Ty. He was staying down, not even fighting back.

"You hit me in the head." I growled.

"I told you. That wasn't a good time." He said.

"It was!"


I turned and saw the cafeteria roof gone. 

"What the hell?!" I yelled.

Right above the roof was like a giant carpet, and seriously I mean, GIANT carpet. It was like the size of a castle only it had 8 mechanical arms at the side.

Ty quickly stood. Jameine was caught in one mechanical arm.

"Jammy!" He yelled.

Someone cackled. Jandira suddenly flew over our heads in a witch's broom. This time she wasn't wearing her nurse uniform, she was wearing a ragged violet and green outfit. (Kind of like Mal's outfit in the descendants) Her hair was long and messy black.

"My dear sweet, Myrtle. Still here? I would've expected you to be out in the hills running." She said.

I twisted my dagger.

"What are you doing here, Jandira?! Don't you have other royal bloods to steal?!"

She cackled.

"No such luck out there, but here." She turned to Jameine. "What a prize."
Ty growled and jumped on the tables, then jumped to her but Jandira kicked him right in the face.
"Tyler! Baby boy, No!" Jameine freaked.
I rolled my eyes at Jameine's names for Tyler. Those are so weird names, even for lovers.
I caught Tyler but we both rolled over.
"I'll see you soon, Swan!"
Jandira said then went away cackling with the giant carpet, it flew in the speed of light.
Ty and I stared at the ceiling with cafeteria debris falling from everywhere.

"J-Jammy.. She's.." Ty said.
I sheathed my dagger and placed it in my back pocket.
"She's fine, Psycho. We have to find a way to explain this to Roger." I said while making my way through the debris.
He followed.
"My girlfriend is in danger! We have to go find her!"
I turned.
"How do you expect us to do that? They are gone with a blink of an eye, we have nothing but a dagger and mini-sized pitchforks. And this is only the beginning."
"You have gone through a lot. Think of something!"
"Idiot. Weren't you listening? Jameine is gone. At least for now."
He looked furious.
"At least?!"
Someone suddenly placed his hand on my shoulder.
Due to reflex I grabbed that hand and threw him over my shoulder.
"Ouch." He said.
"Oh, Roger." I said.
He sat up.
"Mind explaining?" He asked.
Before I could speak, Ty got to it first.
"Amarie's back! She had this giant-- carpet thing with mechanical arms! And-and she took Jameine!"
Roger stood calmly snd Ty was holding his head, barely keeping himself together.
"She had a Metakínisi Kástro." I said.
"She had a what?" Ty asked.
"A Moving Castle. It's rare in our time, because it takes a lot of Lacrima."
"Wh-what what what what's a lacrima?" Ty stuttered.
"It's a rare red grape wine. It's the fuel and magic source to activate mechanical giants like that."
Roger focused. Then the bell rang. Royal highnesses were showing up at the scene and gasping or whispering, some were actually yelling, royal patrols started popping up and secured the perimeter.
"Let's discuss this in an Elrond meeting."
Ty stopped pacing and was interested.
"Sanchez and Swan you will be in it. See me at my office 9pm." Roger said.
"How is that Elrond? Anyone can know that place." I asked.
"You'll see later. At 9pm in my office." Then he walked away.

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