Chapter 2~ Is This Going To Change Everything?

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It's been years since the last time you've been back at Shiganshina. Six years ago, after Eren made his promise to you, an Armored Titan and a Colossus Titan attacked and invaded the Wall to the point where no one could stop them, not even your parents. Unfortunately, you were separated from your friends and family during the process. Everyone was fleeing for their lives, screaming in the time of chaos, trying to find an escape. Around every corner, people would be eaten alive, torn apart limb by limb or squashed by the Titans. On every street, houses would be destroyed, blood would be splattered, lifeless and ripped apart bodies would lie on the broken concrete.

Lost on the streets all alone while people rushed passed you, a man named, Erwin, was able to find you and help you survive the attack. He raced down the streets with you in his arms as he was dodging Titans while the others behind him sliced at their necks. He was able to provide what little safety you had left for the moment and sent you off to Wall Rose with the other survivors.

Through the whole commotion, you never saw your parents again, for all you knew, they were dead trying their best to save humanity. You never saw Eren, Mikasa or Armin either since that day, they could've been dead as well. They could've been somewhere on the raided streets, laying lifeless somewhere in the destruction of your village. The thoughts of everyone close to you being gone forever haunted you for days and nights on end, leaving you a crying mess the next morning. The nightmares of that day became almost natural over the years, destroying every piece of you and made you relive your past as if it has just happened yesterday.

Now you were 15 and you were currently training under Erwin's supervision, as well as a man named, Levi. You felt uneasy with Levi at first, he was very strict and cold towards you when both him and Erwin took you in. Though over time, Levi lightened up around you and protected you like a big brother who was able to stay by your side as you grew up to who you are now.

You were really skilled for a girl at your age, possibly because of your parents. Erwin and Levi allowed you to participate during the practices that the Scouts had before they left on expeditions. Ever since the day that you've lost everyone, you wanted to take revenge on the Titans. It was their faults that you lost your parents; their fault that you lost your best friends. You forced yourself to believe that there was nothing left in the world that you could care about. People thought you've gone crazy by throwing your life away in an instant knowing that you wanted to go outside the walls. You ignored their opinions and before you knew it, you signed yourself up for training. Ever since that day, revenge was the only thing on your mind, pushing you to train your very hardest everyday for years on end. While people called you insane, you didn't care, you had nothing left to lose. In your mind, there was only one way to get your revenge on the Titans.

You needed to become a Scout.

(Your POV):

I was running laps around Headquarters with the other Scouts as part of their training before their next expedition. The sun was beating on my skin as beads of sweat began to form upon my warm forehead. My (h/l), (h/c) hair was up a high ponytail, swaying with every stride I took. My boots were crushing the blades of grass below my feet as I ran, my breathing was heavy and my heart racing. Oddly enough, running always made me feel relaxed as it allows me to think and feel as if I still have some sort of freedom.

Once I finished my laps and I tried to catch my breath, I began walking down the field back to the base when I saw my friend, Hanji, out in the distance. Hanji was the first friend I made here at the base other than Levi and Erwin. She was the first person here to actually make me feel welcomed after the tragedy I had to leave behind. I was always envious of her; how everyday she wears a bright smile and somehow always has energy and motivation, even if she's going through Hell. 

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