Chapter 5 ~ "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this"

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After we left the Mess Hall, I decided to get myself settled into my new room.

"The commander told me that it should be this room on the left..." I mumbled outloud to myself as I was looking at all the doors down the hallway. I finally found the room with the number he has given me, so I raised my hand and knocked on the door three times. There was no response so I opened the door a crack before walking inside.

No one was here so I decided to place my bags on a nearby bunk and take care of the rest of my belongings later. I jumped backwards onto the bed and felt the squeaky springs of the mattress underneath. It reminded me of my old bed back at Headquarters; how we would always complain to Levi asking for new ones but he never gave in. When I finally let myself relax on the bed, the door bursted wide open, revealing a confused brunette in the doorway.

"S-Sasha?!?" I asked loudly in shock. "What are you doing here!?"

She laughed and shut the door behind her, "this is my room...?"

"Oh! Well I'll be staying here too, I guess, " I said as Sasha made her way over to the other bed.

"I guess we will be roommates then," she responded, flashing me a bright smile. "That means we could tell each other deep secrets and gossip and all that jazz." I gave her a quick side smile with an eyebrow raised, amused by her attitude.

"I just met you," I said slowly. "How do I know I could trust you?" I continued with a small smirk.

She just flashed me a creepy smile before she jumped onto her bed. The sound of the springs crushing under her weight as she made herself comfortable and faced me. "Cuz I won't tell anyone about your crush on Eren."

At that comment, my eyes widened as I felt heat rise up to my cheeks.

'Stop it, (Y/n)!' I mentally scolded myself. 'It's not that I like him at all that way, we're just close friends. I mean, he has grown a lot though. He's a lot taller, his voice has gotten deeper, he's more mature, he has big, strong arms...,' I glanced up at Sasha who wore a satisfied look on her face with a hand covering her devilish smile.

"I-I do not have a crush on him! We were just really close friends a long time ago," I complained with my face beginning to grow an even brighter shade of pink. Sasha laughed at my reaction and gave me a pathetic look.

"Then explain why you're blushing madly right now," she said, pointing to my pink face. "And, when he touched your shoulder in the Mess Hall, your face was pink too! I see those things, (Y/n)," Sasha added with a teasing smile on her lips.

"I do not have a crush on Eren. Period," I said seriously with a straight face, the heat in my cheeks beginning to disappear. Sasha didn't seem to buy my statement as she stood up and began to fix her hair.

"Well, (Y/n), the real test would be in less than an 10 minutes when we all watch a movie together," Sasha brought up as she was getting ready. "We should make our way to Mikasa's room now and meet up with Eren and the others outside in a bit." I just let out a heavy sigh and nodded my head before patting my hair down and following Sasha down the hallway to Mikasa's room.

We walked down the halls and made it towards Mikasa's room, though the door was already ajar . 'Strange,' I thought to myself as Sasha and I approached her door. We waited a few seconds before knocking on her door and looking around the room.

"One sec," Mikasa called out as she was placing her red scarf around her neck. She checked once in the mirror and then walked out towards us.

"Ready?" Sasha asked as we waited for Mikasa to shut her door. Mikasa just nodded with a part of the scarf covering her face, only her piercing steel eyes were shone. "Alright let's go! The boys told us to meet them on the lawn out in the front," Sasha said as she walked in front of us leading the way.

Remember Me [Eren x Reader] BOOK: 1 **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now