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Chapter Nine

Riker's POV

Two weeks later.

He walked up the stairs of their home and went to her door. It was the first time he smiled since looking at her very pink bedroom. It was the first time it would no longer be empty. Because she was home, finally.

December 12. The day he finally got a re-do. The first day Rydel was home.

His mom asked him to wake her up for breakfast, and he happily agreed.

He stood at the door of her room and took in his surroundings. She was finally here. Four months after his biggest mistake.

"Delly" he said, gently rubbing her arm. It was wet, she had been sweating.

"Rydel. Rydel wake up!" He shook her harder.

Her eyes flew open and she screamed at the top of her lungs. She kept kicking at the covers that surrounded her, trying to break free.

"Rydel" he tried to calm her down, "Rydel it's okay. Your okay!"

She kept flailing. He took both her hands as held them in front of him. He looked into her fear-filled eyes.

"Rydel, I'm here. No one can hurt you anymore." He spoke as softly as he could.

"Riker?" She whispered, tears all over her face.

"Yea it's me" he smiled.

"Oh my god Riker" she cried. He opened his arms and she gladly fell into them.

"I was so scared" she sobbed. He could feel his shirt absorbing her tears.

"Was it a nightmare?" he asked, almost positive she was going to say yes.

She nodded. "It was Calum"

He sighed. A part of him never wanted to know what went on in the mill during those few weeks. But then the protective older brother in him needed to know what happened.

"Rydel what happened?" He asked, finally deciding. "What happened between you and Calum?"

She sat up and looked at him, her eyes puffy.

"You don't wanna know" she mumbled, barely coherent.

He gulped. "Yes I do"

Her eyes showed a new kind of fear. It was bad, whatever happened, and she didn't want to tell him about it.

"Delly I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened" he took her hand in his.

She cried again, fresh, new tears fell to the bed. She nodded her head.

"On one condition" she looked up at him

"Anything" he encouraged her.

"You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. And I mean no one; not mom, not dad, not even the other boys. This has to stay between us"

"But Rydel-" he tried to change her mind.

"Promise me Riker" she cut him off. She was serious.

He sighed. "Okay. I promise"

"Okay" she gulped, holding back tears. "I'll tell you"

Forever After ~ A Rydellington StoryWhere stories live. Discover now