A Little Girl

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Chapter Sixteen

Rydel's POV

Four Months Later

April 13th, 2014

Her water broke that afternoon.

She had been sitting on the couch watching a movie with Ross.

One minute she was fine, the next her blanket was soaked.

"Ross" she whispered.

"What?" He asked her, still keeping his eyes on the movie.

"I think my water just broke"

He spun around so fast he could have given himself whiplash.

"What's that mean?" He asked, a worried look on his face.

"It means the baby's coming. Now."

His mouth fell open. He looked shocked, scared even.

"Well, what do I do?" He asked.

"Call mom, we need to go to the hospital"

She stood up and immediately regretted it. She felt an immediate sharp pain fly through her back. She yelped in pain. That only made Ross more frantic.

"MOOOOMMMM! MOM! MOM! RYDEL'S WATER BROKE SHE NEEDS YOU! MOM!" he was screaming, running up the stairs into her room.

Riker ran down in his place.

"Your water broke?" He asked. She nodded at him.

"But your not due for another month!"

She laughed "Yea well this baby has her own plans"

Ross finally came running down the stairs with their mom.

"Okay boys we need a bag packed and then we need to get to the hospital. Riker go into your sisters room and pack a bag with some of the baby sleepers and diapers. Ross you go and call your father, then help with packing some clothes for your sister into her carry on. We need to leave in less than ten minutes you hear me?"

She was so thankful for her mom. If she weren't here then this baby might have been born on the floor of their living room, with Ross being her only help.

They were out of the house after six minutes. She hoped they didn't forget anything.

The drive to the hospital was short, seeing that they lived only a few blocks away.

After she got settled into her room, her dad showed up with her other two brothers.

"When will she have the baby?" Rocky asked.

"Whenever it decides to come doofus" Ross joked.

She laughed. Nothing had changed, nothing except the fact that she was adding a new member to their family.

"Where's Ellington?" She asked, suddenly noticing that he wasn't there.

"I'll call him" Riker suggested, leaving the room.

She had only seen Ratliff twice since she got home from the hospital.

He visited her the day she got home, making sure she was settling in okay. Then again for Christmas dinner.

She hadn't seen him in four months. It broke her heart to know that he was avoiding her. She wanted to know what she did. She wanted him to love her. But as long as she was carrying someone else's child, he was steering far away.

Regardless of what happened between them over the past few months, she still wanted him beside her when she welcomed her baby into the world.

"He's on his way" Riker returned holding his phone in the air.

She smiled. He was coming. That's all she needed.

The last few hours of her labour were the hardest. It carried on all throughout the night, and the pain wasn't letting up.

It was the second worst pain she had been through; the first being the week she was under Calum's roof.

Ratliff showed up, and he sat in the corner with Rocky the whole time. He didn't even come up to talk to her.

The time finally came. After 13 painful hours of labour, she was finally ready to have her little girl.

The doctor sent her brothers out of the room, leaving her mom and Ratliff.

"Are we ready to have a baby?" The doctor smiled, putting on his scrubs.

She was nervous. This was it, the moment her life changed forever.

Ratliff finally emerged from his corner, and sat in the chair beside her. He smiled at her for the first time in almost a year.

"I'm proud of you" he whispered into her ear. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Then he took her hand.

It took thirty minutes for her to have the baby. It was so quick compared to the marathon labour.

She cried when she held her baby in her arms for the first time. Looking into her eyes was like looking into paradise. She was perfect in every way.

"She's beautiful" Ratliff whispered, looking into the baby'a eyes. "Just like her mother"

She looked up at him. He smiled at her, then he did something she had waited months for. He kissed her.

"I'm sorry I've been away for so long" he whispered to her, "but I'm home now. I'm home for good"

She felt another tear slip from her eye.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that" she laughed.

"I promise you, and that little girl, that I will always be here for you. No matter what happens, I will be here. To love you, to support you. Just like a real family"


Second last chapter guys!! What do you think??

Question: what will Delly name her baby? Will it start with a 'R'?

Will you guys want a fourth book?? Let me know!!

I love all your support guys!! Thank you for everything!!

Natalie xxxx

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