Chapter 1: The Hunt

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Chapter 1: The hunt
It has been three years since I first met them. It was kind of a coincidence that that very same day, our "anniversary" we had a hunt.
Washington, North Carolina. I liked the smell of all the nature around us as we drove pass the highways, dean blasting his rock music, Sam sleeping next to him. And I was just in the backseat, watching them both. Sam was like a brother to me. He seemed so natural, made me feel careless and happy. Dean, well, we weren't sure what we were.
I jumped a little, setting my glance back to the window, my cheeks flushing red. He had caught me staring- admiring him.
His green eyes looked at mine through the mirror in the roof.
"You remember, three years ago, how freaked out you were when we met?"
My heart stopped. He remembered.
"I didn't freak out." I said, playing it cool. "I just thought you'd kidnap me or something."
He chuckled, shaking his head.
"Forgive me for trying to protect you from a demon."
"A demon that's my father, you dumbass." I smiled at the mirror though, letting him know I was kidding.
"Crowley doesn't look at you though. Where'd you get the red hair?"
I smiled then, my stomach full of butterflies.
"He slept with Ariel. You know, mermaids might be real too."
"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Though he smiled, getting back to drumming his fingers at the rhythm of the music blasting from the speakers.
Vampires. For them, it was an easy hunt, but for me, was a totally different idea. I was still confused. They drank blood, as in Twilight, but never actually burned in the sunlight or sparkled like diamonds. I was disappointed.
Later that night, we arrived at the motel. Back to the hunting routine. Dean or Sam would remain awake, researching the case, while both beds, were used by either me and Sam or Dean.
I'd never slept in the same room as them both, since I came here when I was 18, now, being 21, they looked at me like a sister, who should never be touched. And I hated that.
"I'll just do the research tonight." Dean said, setting the bags on the floor. He immediately turned off the lights, Sam went over to his bed, and I went over to mine. Soon, a fog was clouding my consciousness.
"...Why don't you."
"Dude. She likes you too."
Sam. Dean. They were talking about me.
"She sees both of us as brothers, I won't ruin that."
"Dean. You're just scared of crowley's reaction"
Dean smiled, the tone visible on his voice.
"I've been with Lucifer. Crowley can kiss my ass."
I couldn't take it anymore. Dean couldn't like me. We just couldn't be. This were literally the first instructions Crowley gave me when he first found me. Don't fall for the Winchesters.
I rumbled over, pretending to just be awake at that moment, and they both stopped talking.
"What time is it?" I asked, faking my sleeping voice.
"Two a.m" Dean replied.
"Right" I whispered, setting my head back to the pillow, pretending to fall asleep, when in reality I knew I'd not go back to sleep tonight.
"You, left, we go right" dean whispered, handing me a flashlight. My powers were pretty stupid to be the "chosen" one. I could control light, weather, people, but I couldn't actually kill anyone. Lame.
Dean took the gun and handed one over to Sam.
My first vampire hunt.
We advanced in silence through the back door. I was behind Dean, watching his careful movements.
The hallway was pitch black, and I stumbled over, losing my footing.
"Careful." He'd whisper once in a while, reaching out to steady me. I wasn't really afraid, but I was still excited. There was this tension between us stretching like tape, and we could both feel it.
He stopped in front of me, barely giving me time to stop myself.
Listening, I could hear footsteps approaching. Time for the show.
"Dean, maybe I should..."
I was grabbed by my hand, pulled backwards, my back against someone else's chest.
"Let her go."
Dean was staring behind me, to what I knew was a vampire. He had his grip on both of my wrists, his mouth a few inches away from my neck.
"Hunters. Don't you get tired? The nest is full of us, we outnumber you. Leave her here with us, we let you walk away as if you didn't try to kill us."
"Yeah right. Back off."
He itched closer, licking my neck. I closed my eyes, feeling disturbed. I was eerie calmed though. Dean would never let them hurt me.
"She's delicious." He said, dragging down the syllables.
"Do it then, what are you waiting for?" I whispered to the vampire's ear, close to my lips.
He took a step backward, never letting go of the grip, and took my chin with his free hand.
"You're so pretty. Maybe I should turn you into one of us. Would you like that?"
I smiled, thinking 'just try and get near me'
He took my smile for a yes, letting my hands free. Stupid.
He cupped my neck with both of his hands, moving it at an odd angle.
"There. Remain still, it won't hurt, and you'll remain beautiful for the rest of your eternity. I call dibs." He said, showing me his fangs.
His hair, a black halo was glowing in the dark, deans flashlight barely allowing me to make out his shadow.
Just before the vampire could touch my neck, I pushed hard with my elbow, knocking the air out of him, gaining advantage.
I ducked lower just as Dean took out the knife from his jacket pocket, and in one swift movement sliced the vampire's head.
I smiled. I was a good actress after all.
"Well done, angel."
That was his nickname for me. I loved just hearing it.
He handed me a smile knife then "There might be more. Follow me"
A couple of minutes later, we were surrounded by heads and numb vampire bodies.
"Wasn't that bad huh?"
Dean was behind me. I looked up, startled, smiling at him.
"You are amazing" I said, feeling joy all over my body.
"You were too."
He was unbelievably close, and in seconds, I was pinned to the wall.
"He was right though. You're so pretty."
He fixed a piece of my hair behind my ear, sending me shivers all over my spine.
Dean freaking Winchester was flirting with me.
He traced my jawline slowly, a grin plastered on his face. At this moment I didn't even know if I was alive anymore.
He was just leaning in, a few more millimeters, and our lips would've touched but-
"Am I interrupting?"
Dean immediately pulled away, looking down, huffing.
"No, Sam, you're always on time."
Later that night, as I was falling asleep, I knew that all of this was forbidden. He could never love or even like an abomination like me.
Though, I knew I was falling hard for Dean Winchester. To not do so was hardly impossible.

YAYYY FIRST CHAPTER. So guys, I want you to forget basically everything from the AU. I've changed small details, so to the time Lydia's pregnant she's 24, right now in this chapter she's 21. I'll be telling you how old she is, when did this happen and so on. I really hope you guys like it though, I know nobody reads this 😂 too damn long, I'll make them shorter, maybe. Tell me what you think. Love you! 😘

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